Monday, March 31, 2008

I hate being sick!!!!!

I can't stand colds. #1 they are just annoying. #2 they last forever. I hope this one will break soon. I'm going nuts! I did make it through church barely. Body aches are my problem. Do body aches comes from colds? Maybe it's not exactly a cold. Cheeto brought us home from church but then left to go study. His test is today. Everyone say a prayer!!! I was so out of it. I had to drive to mom and dad's for dinner but I was pretty useless once I got there. I never really did get a nap after being up since 4am. I do have to be thankful for a child that is old enough to really help with the little things. Cade has resumed the title of Sunday Night Coupon Clipper. He does a great job. He cut them, organized them, and filed them. He really can do the whole thing. The only thing I have to do is go through and put dots on the coupons that I want him to cut. It was great. Last night sucked. Analise now has what I have. She was up quite a bit through the night. She ended up getting in bed with Kelson. This is her new favorite place to sleep. Kelson then woke up saying Analise is sleeping to much. He meant that she was too noisy. I just pleaded with him to go get in her bed so I didn't have to wake her up. I'm blessed that Kelson is such a good listener most of the time! We shall see how the day goes.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson: Last night I'm lying on the couch doing absolutely nothing. Not evening knitting- I was sick! That's how you know... if I can't knit. :) Anywho... Cade yells mom come look what Kelson is doing. I got up, not running though, to go check it out. Kelson had taken a push pin from the wall where the calendar in their room was hanging on. I had just bought 2 cases of water and sat them in their room. He had pushed the pin through one of the bottles causing it to squirt out of the side. He then proceeded to suck on it so it wouldn't make the carpet wet. He wanted to tell his dad about it before he went to bed so we called him. Kelson was talking so fast that I had to explain it to Cheeto. Cheeto asked Kelson why he just didn't take the lid off the bottle. Kelson said, "That wouldn't have been as funny!" That's true... it really wouldn't have been as funny.