Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What a day!

I had told Lettie that I would go sit at her house this morning to wait for the Dish Network guy to come install their dish. They told her that it would be installed anytime between 8am-12pm. I felt so bad after the last time she watched the kids and we were a bit later than we had told her that I really owed her this one. As much as the kids enjoy going to Tia's, I thought they would be fine for that long. WOW! I was wrong. After about 2 hours Kelson and Analise were climbing the walls. I mean that somewhat literally. At one point I found they both standing on the back of the couch trying to hang from the window. About 11am, Kris calls and says the dispatcher needs me to call him and give him directions to the house. This road is so new that no GPS will pick it up. The installer guy, Jerry, showed up about 11:40am. The kids were starving. I called Cheeto and he brought them some games and McDonald's Happy Meals. That made their day. They have been requesting "donald's" for weeks. It has seriously been months since wehave taken them. They acted much better once they had food in their little tummies. At about 1:30pm, Jerry brings out the remotes to the receivers. My first thought was, "Man, those remotes look like the old style." I thought to myself, perhaps they're going "throw-back" style like fashion and such is. Then I noticed that their were no DVR buttons on the remotes. I asked Jerry if he installed DVR receivers. He said, "No. Mrs. Hopkins ordered the basic 300 model." I told him that that didn't sound like something she would do. None of us watch live television- why would she do that?!?!?! I called her and she said she did in fact order a DVR. To make a REALLY long story short, it took Jerry some sweet talking and another hour and a half to get it all resolved. I got home seriously 2 minutes before Cade got off the bus at 3pm. It was a crazy, boring morning. However, I do feel better knowing I did even the score with the late babysitting thing. Cade was wretched during his homework. It took him hours of screaming and crying to get it done. After dinner, he was a new kid. All of them were! Angel children... why can't they act like that all of the time.
Our bishop and EQ president came visiting tonight. It's always nice to have more priesthood in our home. As soon as they left, Cheeto did the same. He had to push his testing date back some in order to really feel prepared for it. I was hoping for a celebratory weekend this weekend but looks like I'm going to have wait. I like those weekends after a big test. I can have him for an entire Saturday. Very nice!
I have gotten double the phone calls and emails about the hand business. I hoping the majority of them will follow through. I enjoy getting new business. Who wouldn't? I felt pretty good today. I should though. I spent all morning on a couch. Since it wasn't my house, that's about all I could do. There was no laundry or dishes to clean, no closet or dress to organize, no busy work. It was a good down day. I needed it so I can be rested up for tomorrow. I'm chaparoning Cade's class at the ACC Women's Basketball tournament. That should make for an interesting day. Both boys have soccer tomorrow night as well as my knitting class. Thursday should be chaotic and stressful. I'm preparing myself mentally already!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson: When we were at Lettie's, he got pretty hungry. It came up to me with utmost seriousness said, "Mom, it is your job to feed me. Please- make my tummy happy!" Then Analise caught on, "Tummy- Happy- Please." Of course, I didn't make their tummy's happy- daddy did. But they were hungry! I asked for a bite or a french fry and they both told me no, they were going to eat it all. And they did. Yep Analise ate an entire cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate milk. Amazing! They really were that hungry!


Amanda said...

Oh I can't wait to see Lettie's new house! I love the quote. Whenever Daniel is hungry he says "I hungry mommy...PPLEEAASEE mommy!" You'd think I never feed the kid.