Sunday, July 24, 2005

You Don't Want to Know

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
This one is going to be easy...I laid in bed today...moved to the couch about 9:00, moved back to the bed at 10:45 (after a pit stop in the bathroom to dry heave for a while), back to the couch at 1:30, back to the bed at 3:00 ish, back to the bathroom about 4:00 (more dry heaves...those suckers hurt your ribs, you know?), back to bed, out to the recliner in the living room to "watch" The Aviator...didn't make it through it...fell asleep.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Everybody else went to church, to mom's for lunch and then to Lundrigan's for desserts...I didn't get to participate in any of it. Cade and Kelson were supposed to spend the night at Grandma's, but Cade got in trouble while he was at Lundrigan's, so he didn't get to go. Kelson was excited to spend the night with Grandma by himself. I hope Cade learned his lesson, because he was VERY upset at not getting to stay.

Arellano Update

Christensen Update

Daily Report
Sleep: HARDLY - can't even describe it I was up and down so much

Breakfast: none

Lunch: 1/4 cup of apple juice

Dinner: 1 piece of bread, 1 piece of toas with jam (several hours later), 1/4 cup of juice