Tuesday, July 19, 2005

16 Weeks Along

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Heard from our mortgage company today. We will be closing (finally, I thought we'd be done with this whole addition/re-finance thing about 3 months ago) on Friday. We also heard back on the appraisal on our house, and to be honest I was a little disappointed, but I think it has more to do with the fact that the appraiser works for the mortgage company, so I'm sure they give him a target price and it's his job to make it happen. It doesn't mean a whole lot to us, to be honest, so we will just say "whatever."

Doctor appointment
After work I finally got over to mom's to mow the back yard. It was like a jungle out there. I'll have to do it one more time before dad gets home on Monday...probably do it on Saturday.

After I finished mowing, I watched the last 20 minutes of "The Sting," which I had never seen before. I have been watching it off and on over the last 2 months or so. When we went over for dinner on Sundays I would watch it until dinner was ready...so I was watching like 20-30 minutes at a time. I obviously didn't get into it enough to feel like I had to know what was going to happen.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
I haven't exactly gotten Shena's permission to do this, but I may as well let you know. We had our 3rd doctor's appointment at the OB/GYN. Shena is about 16 weeks along and everything is fine. She's been nervous to tell anybody because we didn't want a repeat of earlier this year. We got a little anxious and told people we were pregnant, then went in for the 12th week heartbeat check and we didn't hear one. So this time she wanted to be sure. We heard the heartbeat at 12 weeks, and then again today. Doctor says everything looks great so far. We are due the first part of January.

Didn't see the boys much today. As soon as I got home we ate a quick dinner then I went to mom's. By the time I got home Kelson was in bed and Cade was watching a movie and so he didn't talk to me much. I also didn't make it home for lunch (because I went with Shena to the doctor for an hour), so it feels like I didn't see them at all.

Arellano Update
None to report that I know of.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:45 - 7:00 - Almost back to normal...

Breakfast: none

Lunch: Taco Bell - bean burrito, no onions, steak gordita supreme, no tomato, Mt. Dew - also had a raspberry finger (like a twinkie with a raspberry type covering...kind of like Hostess Tiger Tails)

Dinner: french toast pizza (slices of french toast, covered with spaghetti sauce and cheese, pepperoni), Fruit Punch Kool-aid, brownie and milk before bedtime