Monday, July 04, 2005

Holiday Weekend Update

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play - Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood) - Arellano Update
Not a whole lot to report about this weekend. Saturday I spent most of the day putting around the house, mowing, running errands, etc. Shena spent most of the day helping Yow's get ready for the reception. Lettie came and took the boys on errands for a little while, so I got to do some reading (still reading "1776" when I have time). Saturday night I dropped the boys off at the Plummer's so that they didn't have to go to the reception. We figured they'd had enough of being dressed up and hanging out at adult functions. Shena and I stayed at the reception for about an hour, and she didn't have to stay after to clean up, so we left before it was compoletely over. Picked up the boys at the Plummer's and headed to bed.

Sunday was pretty fun. Just before church started, Jeff Needham invited us over for a cook out at his house. Unfortunately, he also invited the Plummers and you all know how much we dislike them. We spent the rest of the afternoon at their house talking and eating. The boys had a good time playing on their swing set and running in and out of the house. I don't know if we overstayed our welcome, but we got there at 2:00 and didn't leave until 8:00. We headed home thinking we would put the boys to bed. For some reason Greensboro decided to have thier fireworks on Sunday instead of on Monday, and we had kind of thought we would skip them. But when we got to the house the Plummers called to say that they were going with the Needhams to watch the fireworks and we should go, so we met them at Friendly Center, along with mom and Lettie. We didn't have the best seats, but we got out of there in about 5 minutes, so that was good. Kelson liked the fireworks ok as long as I was standing pretty close to him, Cade was bored with them after about 5 minutes and wanted to play his Game Boy instead.

Monday we had tentatively planned to go to the parade downtown (starting at 10:00), cookout sometime in the afternoon, then go to the baseball game that night to watch the fireworks. We got 1 out of 3 done. We went to the parade in the morning, then we got dogged by some people who were supposed to come over for the cookout (to remain nameless at this point), so we kind of put the cookout on hold. Shena called Dede to see if they had made it to the parade and found out that they were getting ready to eat some breakfast with the Needhams and they wanted us to come over too. So mom and Lettie (who had gone to the parade with us) went shopping while we went to Plummer's to eat. We wound up staying there until about 3:00ish. On the way home we decided that we didn't feel like cooking out for just us and mom and Lettie, so we made plans with them to get "Cook Out" for dinner and to watch a movie. I borrowed "National Treasure" from Plummers and watched it (Shena did too...kinda...she napped half way through) until mom and Lettie came over, then we ate and watched "Hitch". They headed home, I watched the rest of "National Treasure" then we headed to bed.

Daily Report
Sleep: Friday Night: 12:20 - 8:30 ** Saturday Night: 10:50 - 7:30 ** Sunday Night: 11:20 - 8:00

Breakfast: Saturday: 1 bowl of frosted mini-wheats ** Sunday: none ** Monday: 1 bowl of frosted flakes

Lunch: Saturday: Peanut butter on white (2) with I had some of Cade and Kelson's Happy Meals they didn't finish ** Sunday: Cheeseburger with mayo, ketchup, mustard, chili and lettuce, Nathan's hot dog with mustard, chili, Lay's sour cream and onion chips, baked beans, Snapple Pink Lemonade...I was stuffed, boy...we then had some vanilla ice cream with a myriad of toppings...I think I had chocolate and caramel on mine ** Monday: English muffin sandwich with scrambled eggs, cheese and 1/2 bacon 1/2 sausage, large oj, and a second toasted english muffin with strawberry jam and butter

Dinner: Saturday: deli roll sandwiches (at the reception) with ham and turkey, slice of cheese, a couple strawberries dipped in chocolate, a couple crackers with cheese, a piece of wedding cake and a couple cups of punch (not sure exactly what was in it...a raspberry flavored one, I think) ** Sunday: none - we ate so much at lunch I still wasn't that hungry at dinner time ** Monday: Cookout - Cheddar Style burger (mustard, cheddar, bacon), fries, coke