Thursday, July 21, 2005

Steel Magnolias vs. Hanging with the boys

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Got a phone call from Kristy Stout, an old friend from high school today. She and her husband live in CA, but her mom and dad live here in the area. When they came out last year to visit we went to the pool with them, then went on a double date later that night. We had a good time, so they promised to call next time they were in town. She was calling because they are coming first part of August and wanted to get together one night. I was honest with her..."I don't make those kinds of decisions. Shena keeps track of everything that is going on and she would be better to ask when we could meet up." We are excited to see them. It is always good to see old friends.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
I had two options for choice of activities tonight. 1) Go with Shena to see "Steel Magnolias" on the Greensboro Stake Center stage OR 2) Stay home with the boys. I'll give you three guesses which I picked. The boys and I had a good time. We hung out, ate some food, played some football, read some books. And Shena got to go out with Nippy. I'm just glad she doesn't get TOO upset with me when I do all I can to avoid those kinds of "chick" things. That is why she has go with her to chick flicks and talk about chick things.

The boys had a rough morning. Still feeling the effects of their stomach aches. They had a case of the runs. As I told some of the people at work "that is why I come to work." I have a hard time dealing with those kinds of things. I guess I would if I had to, but I'm grateful that Shena doesn't mind it.

Arellano Update
I IM'd with Marcos for about 20 minutes in the middle of the afternoon. I should have been working but that kid just likes to argue. Funny thing is I know how it is going to end...the same way it started. He has one opinion, I have another and nothing the other person says is going to change the other's mind. That is part of the reason I don't argue in general. Very, very rarely does arguing about philosophy or politics change somebody else's mind. Those types of things run too deep to change just because someone else is a better debater. It's a good thing he is my brother and I love him...otherwise I don't think we would talk much.

Christensen Update
I talked to Cherie for a few minutes this evening. She was doing some shopping and wanted to know what size Cade wore. As soon as she asked she knew that I would have no idea. I went and looked in his closet and saw some shirts that said "6" on them, so I told her that. We'll see if I'm right or not.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:04 - 7:50 - Just couldn't get to sleep last night. I was paying bills until about 10:45 - so maybe I was stressed about that...I don't know.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: egg burritos on corn tortillas with cheese, milk and a brownie

Dinner: white rice, chicken baked in cream of chicken soup, grean beans, french bread, fruit punch kool-aid
