Friday, July 22, 2005

Shena's Slumber Party

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
For some reason, my brain tends to switch off on Friday afternoon. Today I was plugging along, working away, when something (don't remember what) made me think "It's Friday afternoon...almost time to go home for the weekend." I then proceeded to think about what was going on that night, and the rest of the weekend and I was pretty much useless for the rest of the day. I think I realize now that is the difference between me and a millionaire. They can work through those types of of right now I can't. I'm going to have to work on it. It's like they say, when you don't feel like working, that is when you should work hardest. Fight the feeling.

Left work a few minutes early because Shena was supposed to be meeting Dede and Teresa at 6:30 at our house. We had to get dinner and put some curtains up at mom's house (Shena told mom they would be up before she got back from out west...she's coming home tomorrow) before she left. Shena has been planning this trip for a couple of weeks and has been real excited. They (she and her girlfriends) decided a couple months ago that they should go take a night away somewhere. They decided on going down to Concord Mills and go school shopping...but instead of making it a day trip, they decided to do an over nighter. People slowly dropped out until it was just Teresa and Dede going with Shena. I'm sure they will have fun anyway. I wonder how often she is going to want to do this. Could be good...could be bad. :)

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Not much else to say here. Kelson cried for about 5 minutes when Shena left. He wanted to go with her. I said "Let's play some football," he stopped crying. They were little grouches the rest of the night, though. Wouldn't stay in bed either. I thought it would be a good idea to put their tent up in the baby's room (old office) and let them sleep in their sleeping bags. They were excited, but they wouldn't stay in there until I threated to let the boogie man out of his closet if they didn't stay in bed (actually, that might work...I might try that one of these days).

Arellano Update
None to report that I know of.

Christensen Update
None to report that I now of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:22 - 7:30 - I got caught up watching "This Is Sportscenter" last night. Ever seen it? It's a live "behind the scenes" look at what goes into the 11:00 (also live) show. Pretty dang interesting. They've had 2 or 3 different episodes of "This Is Sportscenter" before, but I still think it is fascinating to watch. Amazing to me that they make it look as polished as they do with all the different people involved and all of the talking that goes on between the producer and co-producer and anchors and so on.

Breakfast: 2 Krispy Kreme original donuts - Teresa brough them in for the office.

Lunch: 2 peanut butter and strawberry sandwiches on wheat bread, milk

Dinner: McDonald's - quarter pounder with cheese, no onions, fries, orange drink - we ran out of time between hanging curtains and Shena leaving to make something. The boys really wanted McDonald's, I didn't. But I didn't feel like fighting. I forced it down.