Thursday, July 14, 2005

21st Century Technology

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
A little excitement at work today...we had a big thunderstorm about 3:30, 4:00. It knocked part of the power off in the we spent the last hour of work kind of chit chatting around the office. Kind of hard to work without computers and telephones.

After work I spent the evening trying to get the computer up and running. The cable company came out to fix our cable (that went down the night before) so that we could get onto the internet. I got a couple more programs installed, then finished reading "Shadow Puppets." Good book. Now I will go back and read "John Adams, like I had originally intended before I started "Shadow Puppets."

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Played a little baseball with the boys in their room. Kelson is a funny kid. One of the episodes of The Bernstein Bears that they watch is one where the cubs try out for a baseball team. Of course it shows a picture throwing the ball from the mound...putting the glove over his head, swinging his arms, leg up into the air and then planting as he throws the ball. Kelson has it a little backward. Instead of lifting his leg opposite his throwing arm, he lifts his right leg with his throwing arm, and holds the leg up in the air while he throws the ball. Pretty funny. Cade and I finally got him to swing the bat, too. He used to just stand there with the bat...good grip, good form, but he would never swing. He just watched the ball go by him all the time.

Arellano Update
Not much to report. The rest of the family is out west or in Mexico. I guess they are all safe because I haven't heard much.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 12:44 - 7:56 - Can't...stop...reading...

Breakfast: none

Lunch: tuna with cheese on wheat, frito's, milk - had a couple of cookies

Dinner: I tried something new for Shena tonight...but I didn't like it much - she was craving a dish her mom made...tuna loaf (like meat loaf, but with tuna), covered in boiled new potatoes and peas. I liked the potatoes and peas, but I didn't like the tuna loaf much. I'm not a big fish eater anyway...and when you heat tuna up, it gives it more of a fishy taste...I tried it, though. It's not like I puked or anything...I just wouldn't eat it again, unless I was hungry! :) - She baked me an apple pie, so that made up for it...I had two pieces and milk before I went to bed.