Thursday, July 28, 2005

#48 Rig

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
We got the title for our Nissan in the mail today. A good feeling to know that you've paid off your car and it is now yours...for better or worse. I wish we could have the feeling of no car payment for a couple of years, but that isn't going to happen.

Mom and dad came over for dinner tonight. We just ate and talked, played with the boys. Relaxing evening, for once.

I forgot to mention this article that I came across the other day. This guy (Jim Pollard) comes out and plays basketball with us at the church every now and then. He showed up for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago. I remembered him from about four years back when he was coming out and playing on our league team. Then one week he didn't show up and I asked Chris Baughan why, he said "He just got a new job driving the trailer for Jeff Gordon's race team." Anyway, he's a nice guy. It was an accident that I found the article. I was just checking the news on USAToday and in the upper right hand corner on the main page I saw a picture of the Lowe's trailer and thought, "hey, that's Jim's rig...I wonder if there is a picture of him." I didn't know the whole article was going to be about him. Pretty cool.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena walked over to mom's this morning. She's been wanting to for a while, but it has been to hot. Since the weather has cooled off some, she took advantage. She's got shin splints right now, so she can't walk as fast as she'd like, but she is still walking. She is definitely tougher than me...I'd be using the splints for an excuse to not have to exercise. I wonder if the shin splints will affect her during labor? Maybe we'll have to tape them up when her water breaks.

Arellano Update
None to report.

Christensen Update
Just as I was headed to work this morning, Cherie called and said they (She and Bart) were sitting outside the mission office and there was nobody there. She didn't understand why because that is where Ryan said to meet them. She actually read the e-mail wrong..he said to meet them at the mission home. Problem was, we didn't have an address to the mission home, or a phone number. We spent about 20 minutes trying to find it. Shena finally was able to get the phone number by calling the Charlotte Mission office and asking them if they had a listing, which they did. But they didn't have the address. She tried to call Cherie back to give her the number, but by that time Ryan had called and wanted to know where they were. I'm sure Cherie was near tears because she couldn't find her baby...and Ryan was probably thinking in his head "maybe they didn't make it out...they are stuck in SLC and can't get on a plane" or something terrible like that. All is well, though. They apparently spent the day driving around Tallahassee and headed to Pensacola to visit different areas Ryan was in. We'll see them on Sunday night.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:00 - 6:51 - Shena woke me up at 6:01 and said "the alarm is about to go off"...I was awake just enough to turn it off because I knew I didn't want to hear thing I know it's 6:51

Breakfast: 1 bowl of cheerios, with a banana cut up in it (healthy, huh?)

Lunch: 1 quesadilla on flour tortilla - 3 corn tortillas with cheese, 1/2 bottle of Sprite, 1 piece of spice cake and milk

Dinner: enchiladas, rice and beans with sour cream, all mixed up together (just how I like it), apple juice - had strawberry shortcake for dessert