Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Huge Arellano Head Strikes Again

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Worked - yeah...that's about it.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena went to the dentist today to have a filling fixed. Not sure exactly when she broke it, I just know it's been bothering her for several weeks now. She kept cutting her tongue on it. They told her she also has a cavity next to the filling. She's in for a fun time at the dentist after she has the next baby...but until then they put a temporary fix on the tooth and said come back in a couple of months.

Shena had Enrichment meeting tonight, so we had a "boy's night" out. We ran a couple errands and just kind of hung out. Stopped by mom's to check her mail. Went to Wendy's for dinner. The boys wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to play with the Thomas Train set they have set up there, so we did that for 45 minutes or so. Then we went out to Dick's to look at baseball gloves. Don't tell Cade, but that is what I'm getting him for his 5th birthday. He still has just one of those cheap plastic ones, so I figured it was time he got a real glove and learn how to use it. We tried a couple on at the store and he wanted to buy one today. Of course as soon as Cade tried some on, Kelson tried some on too. We had a good time, they were very good boys. Cade is still bugging for a mini-van. I asked him why he wanted one tonight. He said "I want one that's white like Dede's." I tried to talk him out of it, but he said he would be mad if we got a different color than white. Problem is, there is no way we are getting a white one. The 2005 white ones only have tan interiors and we don't like the tan interior at all...so we will be getting one that has a gray interior. I'm not sure if Cade will complain if we get a different color...and if he does how long he will complain.

A few minutes before the boys went to bed, they were playing in their room when I heard Kelson start crying. Usually he comes running (at least walking) when he gets hurt, so I sat and waited for a second for him to come into the office where I was. He didn't...he just kept crying. I walked back to their room and found him with his arm and head stuck through one of the openings in their little McDonald's play set thing they have (this picture shows where his head was...take the blue "garbage" door off and that is the hole he was stuck in). I went looking for a camera before I helped him, since he was in no danger (isn't that what I'm supposed to do?). But couldn't find it, so you'll have to use your imagination. Poor kid got his head in there somehow, but we couldn't get it out...I finally got his arm out, but his head wasn't coming out very easy without hurting him. Long story short I got him out, now we'll just have to see if he has learned his lesson, or if he really is as hard headed as we think he is.

Arellano Update
IM'd with Marcos for a few minutes today. We were talking about what kind of car he should get next summer. I'm glad he is asking my opinion (you all know how much I love to give my opinion). If he would have asked my opinion when he got his car after graduating from H.S. I would have talked him out of the Trans-Am he bought (which he no longer likes). He is being much more practical this time...more concerned about gas mileage than anything (what an Earth loving freak, huh?)
Talked to mom for a few minutes today. She is in Utah visiting my Aunt (her sister). I didn't make it back to mow her back yard. I didn't think I could face that smell again too soon. I'm sure I would have lost dinner all over my shoes if I did smell it again.

Christensen Update
Ryan has about 3 weeks of his mission left...a scary feeling when you get there. I still remember my last couple of weeks. Fear of the unknown...you can feel the stress starting to build up...when will I go back to school...what do I want to do with the rest of my life...what kind of work am I going to do...(and the most important) how can I get back into the dating scene?

Daily Report
Sleep: 2:15 - 7:50 - I don't know why, but I couldn't sleep at all last night. Spent most of the evening flipping between "Office Space" & "Sportscenter" & "Untold Stories from the E.R. (Discovery) & "King of Queens" & "Road To Baghdad" (1 of 2 - Military Channel)...etc.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of frosted flakes

Lunch: Leftover spaghetti casserole, covered with cheese, 1 slice of wheat bread, milk and 4 Chips Ahoy! cookies.

Dinner: Wendy's - Classic double with cheese, no onion, no tom, a few fries (stolen from the kid's meals), coke