Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"Lost" Season Finale

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
And the addition fiasco continues...inspector never showed up today. We now have a promise that he will show up first thing tomorrow morning. I'm not going to believe it until I see it. Shena has been saying for a couple weeks that we wouldn't be in the room until July 4th...I argued with her about that...but I'm starting to believe it. Can't wait until this whole thing is over.

After work we just had dinner, sent the boys to bed early (see Llano Update) and watched the season finale of "Lost." I loved it. I browsed the Lost message board after the show, and there were some people complaining about how the finale didn't give them any answers and they were mad and they were going to quit watching. Whatever. That is what this show has been all about from the beginning. It doesn't completely answer questions. It gives you little piece by little piece. And for every answer it gives, it creates more questions. As an example: Answer: yes, they can open the hatch door (finally). Questions: Why is the ladder broken? How far down does the entrance go? Why were "the numbers" on the hatch? Who is going to go in first? Why did Locke ignore Hurley screaming at him to not open it? etc, etc. I think people fail to realize that this wasn't the end of the SERIES...just the season. If they answer all the questions and don't leave you with a cliffhanger, what will bring you back next year? I wonder how many people were mad at the Friends season finale when Ross said "I take you, Rachel..." (instead of Emily, who he was marrying). That is how the season ended. With a question! People wanted to know if he would really go through with the marriage. Did they answer that in the finale? No. They created more questions. Anyway...that is my rant for today. I didn't really have anything else to talk about. Had to fill the empty space somehow, right?

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Bad, bad day for the boys. All I got were bad reports from Shena. She says that after I walk out the door in the morning they start misbehaving. She said they fought a lot today...and Kelson still is really good (or should I say bad?) at ignoring us when he wants to. We have to literally scream to get him to listen. So frustrating. And it completely ruins the day when I get home for lunch and the first thing I have to do is start punishing the boys. And it is even worse when I come home from work at the end of the day and it is more of the same thing. I really don't know what to do. They behave themselves somewhat when I'm home, but they still started fighting last night. They went into the addition to play basketball and within 5 minutes were hitting each other. I sent them to bed at 7:45...of course they cried for about 10 minutes, then went to sleep. Maybe it was just a lack of sleep thing today, I don't know. I sure hope so.

Arellano Update
Haven't heard from dad so I'm not sure how Grandma is doing. No news is good news, I guess.

Marcos went to Raleigh tonight to play golf. He promised Cade that he would take him to hit golf balls on Friday. He asked that we hold him to it.

Haven't even seen mom and Marcos since Monday. Been too busy I guess.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:00 - 7:00 - Still working my way towards a 6:30 wake up...

Breakfast: none

Lunch: Leftovers of the double decker tacos we had yesterday...hard shell tacos with a flour tortilla wrapped around it...beans, meat, cheese, sour cream and salsa - Coke.

Dinner: Cheese tortellini with spaghetti sauce and cheese, 2 slices of wheat bread, milk...for dessert I had 2 macadamia nut cookies leftover from Subway last night...then I had a piece of cheesecake factory cheesecake, covered with chocolate sauce and whip cream. Pretty dang good. The cheesecake has been in the freezer for a couple of weeks and I was afraid it was going to go bad, so I pulled it out tonight...but I forgot that I had the 2 cookies that were getting stale, and the cheesecake had already thawed I had to eat them both, right?