Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Buy that guy an Ab-Flexer

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Nothing exciting at work for me. It was a crazy day around the house though (see Cheeto's Brood). I'll tell all my stories down there.

Except for this one...during lunch I was talking to Dede and Shena and told them about this article about Pregnant moms. Basically says women who are having boys have less memory problems during pregnancy than women who are carrying girls. I am making my prediction now that Leesa Lundrigan is carrying a girl because she seems to be having "forgettful moments" on a somewhat regular occassion. Dede didn't buy into the story, so I post it for her own reading.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena started painting at 5:00 am. She actually was just priming all the trim and the doors. About 10:00 Dede and Hank came over to help. Bonus for me because that way I won't have to help paint (I hate painting...I'd rather work in the yard, and everybody knows I don't like to do that much either). They got a couple coats on the walls and at least one coat on all the trim. It took them most of the day. Shena said the walls were the easy part...that the trim is what took forever. Dede said that the $400 we saved by painting it ourselves wasn't worth it. Ed said the same thing about the $1,500 to $2,000 we saved by cutting up and clearing our own trees. I guess that is what they felt since they got dragged into helping out. Can't say that I blame them. I took the girls smoothies from the Juice Shop, and Dede bought McDonald's for the boys. Shena said they were pretty good while they painted, but were a little whiny towards the end. The room looks good, though. They finally cut out the holes in the flooring where the vents were so that the A/C could come in the room. The girls appreciated that because it would have been pretty hot in there otherwise.

Shena went with Carolyn Yow to go wedding reception shopping tonight. That meant the boys and I were on our own again, so we went to the Grasshoppers game. The boys were much less interested tonight than they were last time. It took about two innings before they were bored. Luckily, Hank and Ed went with us and Dede packed three game boys in Hank's backpack. All three of them took one and played the game boys instead of watching the game. Kinda sad, huh? Ed and I just kind of hung out and watched the game. After about the 5th (and 2 hours later), we took the boys up to the playground to let them run off some of their energy. Kelson was not sitting still at that point and I was ready to tie him down to his chair. Just as we got up to the playground, a foul ball was hit back over the net where we were sitting. The three guys that were sitting right in front of us got the ball. Made me mad. Then a couple of innings later a fould ball came up to the area where we were standing while the boys played and I ran over to try to get it and it bounced off the grass and into some big redneck's beer belly and ricocheted the other way. If he would have just kept talking on his cell phone and ignored the ball, it was mine...but he had to go and get his Goodyear Semi spare tire in the way.

Arellano Update
Mom and dad's plane got in abou 20 minutes early, so I was a little late picking them up. I checked the United website at 10:58 to see if they were still landing at 11:15 (on time). It said they had landed at 10:56. I rushed out the door, but was still about 3 or 4 minutes late picking them up. They were on the curb with the luggage waiting for me. They said they didn't mind because it was a nice night and only 8:00 their time.

Mom said Adam and Melissa finally picked a name for the baby...Garrett (sp?). Not sure if he got a middle name or not. I'll let you know.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 10:45 - 7:11 - I put in ear plugs last night because I was ready for sleep and Shena wasn't, so she was watching TV. Ear plugs really helped put me out. I seem to sleep much deeper when I have them in because I can't hear every noise that is going on. Felt like I slept pretty good last night.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: McDonald's - quarter pounder with cheese, no onions, fries, coke - had a small bowl of fudge brownie, caramel in vanilla ice cream. Not that great, but the only sweets we had around the house.

Dinner: Domino's - had a couple pieces of cheese pizza, water - had a couple oreos and milk just before bed