Friday, February 15, 2008

Yesterday was a crazy day. After playing in the snow, I went to the gym. I wanted the pains to hurt bad when I went to Dr. Ross. And they did. Goal- successful. For a moment there was a glimmer of hope. Dr. Ross decided to do a urine test checking it for blood. It came back with a slight trace of blood. They immediately thought kidney stones. It made sense. After looking at it under the microscope, the blood was significant enough to be kidney stones. As we were about to leave Dr. Ross suggested we do a Celiac Blood test. It will take a week to get those results back. After the doctor, Cheeto wanted to go test drive this car he's been watching for a few hours. Bill Black Chevrolet said it was no problem for him to take it for a bit. He took it back to his parents house and really looked over it. Ya know, the way you want to at the dealership but can't because there is a sales guy breathing down your neck. I took the kids home and made heart shaped crumb cake. Ya know, it was Valentines day. We had to do something to celebrate. Cheeto got back around 7:30pm after he purchased his car. Yep, Cheeto bought a grown up car. I say "grown-up" car, because it really feels like one. We have only had cars that college students would drive. Ya know, the affordable kind. Cheeto got a really good deal on it. It's a 2007 Chevy Impala. My favorite feature on the car is the heated seats. With all the cramps and pains I get on a daily basis, sitting in his car is like having a permanent heat pad on. Cheeto asked the boys what we should name his new car. You have to understand we give our cars names. Cade said Rafael- yep, like the Ninja Turtle. We are going to call it Raffy for short. NOT MY CHOICE!!!!!