Wednesday, February 13, 2008

still playing...

I have had a lot of fun the past few days playing with the look of our blog. If this isn't "Cheeto's" blog, I don't know who it would belong to. I hope he likes it. Happy Valentines Day Honey! I don't know why I said that. We don't do Valentines. We find it retarded to have a holiday just to show someone you love them. Besides, my birthday is 2 days later, so we just don't celebrate. The kids don't even really care. It's just another holiday someone made up to suck up people's money another month of the year. Are you getting the feeling that I'm not a fan of Valentines? Anywho... Cheeto, enjoy the look of he blog... for now anyway! hee hee! It's very convenient that the Steelers colors compliment the Cheetos colors. That's the only way I could put them on together. I just couldn't do the Panthers blue with the Cheetos gold. I'm weird! - NO! I just love my husband and support his addiction to football.