Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cade and Kelson just had to see the Cow. Analise wasn't quite sure. She was fine as long as someone was holding her. Tia ran her over there but really didn't that close. I think she gave him the quickest high five I've ever seen.
The boys traded their toy in for an ice cream cone. Well, we don't buy Analise a full meal. She just shares with everyone. So she didn't get the option of trading a toy. Cheeto had gotten a milk shake and I handed that to her so she didn't start screaming for ice cream. Well, it was then Cheeto pouting that I gave his milk shake away. Analise was very kind and gave Daddy back his milk shake. I should have gave Cheeto "the warning" that I was going to do this to save the pouting. :)

Yesterday, I had my GI appointment with Dr. Hayes. He was pretty sure my symptoms weren't GI related, however, he did say there is one test that would rule out a lot of things. He said Crohn's Disease presents itself in some crazy symptoms. Every patient is different. So this morning I am having a small bowel series test. I basically drink this chalk cocktail, wait in their waiting room for a couple of hours and then get some x-rays. The chalk stuff makes the digestive track light up on the x-rays. I have to do a midnight fast. Which is do-able, never good for me not eating. I'm already feeling a bit queasy and it's not even 7am. I have to be down there by 8:15am. Bless Cheeto's heart, he is going to finish getting the little ones ready and over to Papa's. Grandpa leaves for Mexico in the morning, so it's good they get to play with him one more morning. I have to brag a second about my weekly grocery shop to Harris Teeter. I'm a player of GroceryGame.com . I clip Sunday coupons religeously. Yesterday I spent $36 and saved $57. That was my new record. The cashier was amazed as well as the customer behind us in line. We definitely make up the $15 cost we are charge every 8 weeks. On average I save at least $25 every week. The savings sure add up! Last night was Chick-fil-a night for Cade's school. I really don't participate in many of the school fundraisers- well, just the ones that ask you to call neighbors and relatives asking for money. So we try to go do the Chick-fil-a thing each month. G'ma, Papa, and Tia usually come along too. That is always nice with the kids. EXTRA HELP! Not that we have that many, but extra hands are always nice. Analise had put too much chicken in her mouth, I think she kinda gagged. Papa stood up fast and was trying to get the food out of her mouth. I think it scared her more than anything, she was fine but a little shaken up. She was screaming so Cheeto took her outside. She then probably thought she was in trouble, seeing that's what daddy does when you're acting up at a restaurant. We went to Tia's house to see the progress they have made on moving in. It's looking a bit more lived in. We had FHE there. It was after 7pm when we got home. Cheeto helped with getting kids in bed and then he was off to study for the night. All in a days' work!


Lacey said...

Shena, I have to tell you that your blog is so fun. I love to check in now and then. I got the link for your profile on our class Yahoo page. Your kids are absolutely adorable. But then again, what would I expect when you are their mom. I know you briefly told me about your health problems when we talked back in July. I hope you get some answers. Good luck!

Amanda said...

I love that picture of Analise - what a smile! I am so impressed with your grocerygame thing! That's amazing.