Friday, February 08, 2008


I had to get away for a moment. I'm in my bedroom listening to the kids fight outside my door. The bedroom get away started because of a phone call I had to make to Toshiba. My laptop started to crack towards the center of my computer on both sides of the outside screen part. Does that make any sense? Anywho.... I called customer service to only find out that my warranty expired on January 21, 2008. ARGH! A few weeks ago I had it on my list call, but didn't ever get the chance! I'm so ticked to say the least! Their advise was to take it to a Toshiba Service Center. The guy on the phone took my zip code to look for the closest one. No surprise... there isn't one in our area. The closest one is in Mooresville. ARGH- again! The most frustrating part about Toshiba customer service, all of the the representatives have English as their 2nd language. I could barely understand any of the 5 people they transfered me to. So, I guess I'm stuck with a broken computer. That just makes my day! This morning started off pretty good. Well, right before we were walking out the door Kelson yells, "My finger is stuck." it didn't sound like he was in much pain then all of a sudden he was screaming and the tears started. "Mommy, Hurry! My finger is stuck and it really hurts!" I went running out my bedroom- one shoe on, one shoe in my hand, to find Kelson standing in front of the TV with his finger stuck in the power hole. When Kelson was younger he would just push the power button on the TV and the play button on the DVD player until eventually they both fell inside. We now have to have remotes to use either one. Well, Kelson couldn't find the remote and decided to use his finger to try to turn it off. It worked, he did get the TV off. But his finger was stuck pretty good. I didn't know how to get it out. I rubbed some lotion around it and it eventually came out. It was pretty purple once it came out. Poor kid! I did make it to the gym. I rode the bike for 30 minutes and biked 11 miles. I thought that was pretty good. I then lifted weights for the next 30 minutes. It felt good to get back to the gym. However, I wasn't feeling great afterward. I taught a piano lesson at 11am and then fed the kids. Analise started pooting so we sat her on the toilet for a long time trying to get her to "make poopies" in the toilet. She wouldn't do it. I took her off, she walked half way down the hall and did it in her pants. ARGH! Not again! So frustrating. It was now quiet time. I sat down on the couch to catch up on my internet surfing. I was without internet all morning. I was sitting there and saw Sister Card pull up and immediately back out and drive away. I think she saw my car was gone and thought no one was home. I called and left her a message. She called me back seriously 3 minutes later and said she would be right back. She is my visiting teacher. We had been talking about Cade's struggles in math. She was an answer to my prayers. Bless her heart, she had bought Cade a entire serious of Math work books and these lego-like counters to help him. It looks like a fabulous series. It's called Math-U-See. I'm excited to start working with him using these. Analise had gone all morning with dry pants and is now screaming at me because she is sitting in wet ones. I best go assist her. Wow! Being a mom is hard sometimes!