Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So, Tuesday morning I woke up bright and early to be out the door by 7:45am. Man, I'm glad that I don't have to do that every morning. Leaving for the gym that early is no big deal, just change from pj's to running clothes. But having to shower and everything while getting 1 child on a school bus and 2 dressed and ready for the day is awful. I'm so grateful that Cheeto works so hard that I don't have to have a 8-5 paying job. I'm not going to say what I do isn't work. Because I think we will all agree that being a stay-at-home mom is just as hard or harder than any other job! I know Cheeto wouldn't trade me jobs. Anywho... that was a tangent if I've heard one. I took Cheeto's car so he could drop kids off at Grandma's a little later. The test they were going to do is called a small bowel series. You swallow this barium chalk stuff and wait until it coats your intestines. Once you drink the 2 glasses of it they take pictures of your intestines every 15-25 minutes. I got there knowing I could be there anywhere between 2-3 hours and I left my iPod home. I have a awesome husband that drove out of his way to bring it to me. Not 15 minutes later, the tech says I need some blood work done. MAN! I can't just have anything be simple and easy! Thankfully they have a blood work lab in the same building. They had to have Dr. Hayes' office fax something to them, that took almost 45 minutes. By the time they drew the blood is was after 10:30am. And I hadn't yet done the other test. This whole time I'm getting more nauseous from not eating. I got upset about the whole thing- mostly because I hadn't eaten. They decided it would be best to send me home to eat and start the process over the next morning early. So Tuesday morning was a waste. I was mostly upset because I wasted everyone's morning. Mom and Dad for watching the kids for pretty much no reason. Cheeto for taking time to bring me my iPod and taking kids. That's just a waste of his precious work/study time. I was hurting by this time of the day. My stomach was crampy from not eating, my head was aching and then my freak side pain started and got worse as the day wore on. What a ridiculous day!
I started this morning off the same way. However, the testing went more smoothly. I got in and started drink that nasty stuff. As long as I drank it through a straw and placed the straw in the back of my mouth I did ok. I almost puked once, but I didn't want to have to drink it again so I had to place mind over matter. After they took my first picture the dr there said they needed to take the pictures faster. Evidently my body metabolized it pretty fast. I was driving home within 55 minutes. WAHOO! The doctor there said he didn't really see anything that would point to Crohn's disease but said he would have to look at them closer. He would write up the report and send it to Dr. Hayes tomorrow. I should get the call tomorrow for the definite diagnosis.
After the testing, Mom and I made a Costco run. Kelson was not happy. He told me that Costco just makes him tired and there was nothing fun to look at Costco. It's all relative isn't it. The rest of the day went ok. As you can see below, Analise's nap wasn't smooth sailing. It took her until almost 2:30pm to settle down. I laid her down the first time and went to play SORRY with Kelson. Just as we were setting up the game I here her bedroom door open. It kinda scared me. What the heck? How did she do that? I laid her down again, this time getting the camera out. This is when I caught her in the act. Little stinker! After that, I had to take the rail off. She figured out if she cries bathroom I will let her out of bed. We took about 3 bathroom runs before I just said, "NO MORE! Wet your pants... you're going to take a nap. PERIOD!" After that she took her very short power nap. I spent the rest of the afternoon going through kids toys. I only made it through Analise's room. I obviously had a great day as far as my freak pain. I have been pain free today. I really have forgotten how much one can get accomplished in a day when you feel well. Wouldn't it be a miracle if it would just go away? I can dream can't I? I will take what I can and just be grateful!

Funnest Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson: So I was sitting at the steelers table helping Cade with his homework when we hear Kelson screaming at himself in the bathroom. I yell down the hall to ask him what was wrong. He came running down the hall screaming, "My butt keeps itching and I have to scratch and scratch it. It's driving me crazy!" My first thought was to make sure he had wiped good. I didn't see anything, so I just comforted him and said I was sorry. I kinda pinched his bum as he sat by me. He then said, "It doesn't itch there. It itches right in the middle, in the crack part!" Cade and I just busted a gut laughing. It was hilarious!