Friday, February 22, 2008

Burns, Puking, and more!

Seeing that's it's been 5 days since I was able to post, tells me that it's been a chaotic week. Monday was a down day for me. Didn't move much from the couch. Cheeto was in Raleigh and didn't back until late. Mom and Dad came over and helped with kids and bedtime. THANK YOU! Tuesday started off with a hurt Kelson. It always seems like Kelson is the one getting hurt. He wanted to help me so bad. I was trying to get my impression order done before I was done for the day. I was going to brand, sand, and stain some wood bases. Kelson knows what the branding iron looks like, but he obviously didn't know that it got hot enough to burn wood. He got it out of the cabinet for me and I plugged it in. I had turned my back to sand down the edges. Next thing I hear, is a scream of pain. Kelson had grabbed the barrel of the branding iron with his right hand. OH! I felt so bad. I should have explained in detail that this gets VERY hot! Cheeto had him stick his in hand in ice water. He didn't not like this so much. I put some Melaleuka burn ointment on it and that helped some. However, constantly throughout the morning, he would whimper in pain and ask for more ice water. I eventually just got out Cade's lunch box ice packs and let him carry them around with him. Poor Kid! All I can say is that Kelson handles such things much better than Cade. Cade would have been in a sour mood for the rest of the day and wouldn't have talked to me. Kelson on the other hand, said it was his fault and he just wanted loves. Sweet lil' boy! Cheeto came home sick Wednesday night. He never did throw up but did stay in bed for more than 24 hours. There is no way I could've ever slept that much without being drugged. He got up and went to work this morning. So I guess he's feeling better. However, during breakfast this morning, Analise threw up at the breakfast table. I don't know if she's sick or if she gagged herself. She very often pretends throwing up just to get a reaction out of us. Perhaps she did it this morning and got the real thing. I'm hoping the throwing up doesn't start again today! That would just make my day! (sarcastic of course!) We were suppose to have a bad sleet/freezing rain storm last night. There was a 2-hour delay this morning for Guilford county schools. Our sidewalk is pretty close to dry. Gotta love the south!