Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A week in review... lots of pictures to catch you up

NOTE: It's been so nice here that I haven't been inside much to post stuff. Weird to go from 4 inches of snow to 77 degree weather in 3 days. I'm not complaining! I'll take it. I'm just not ready for summer in the south yet. So it's ok that it's going to get cooler again this weekend.

Saturday was just gorgeous. It was high 70's here. Friday was so crazy. I got a phone call from Cade's teacher at 10:30am saying he was complaining he didn't feel well. I knew to listen because Cade doesn't usually complain about being sick. I hadn't showered and Addelyn had just exploded so it would have taken me awhile to get him. Thankfully, I have a great mom-in-law that had already showered and lives 2 minutes from the school. She went and got him. I had a feeling to get a doctor's appointment, good thing too! He ended up having strep throat. I had to be back for a MRI at 5pm. I got there and found out that I had to get an IV for them to do some dye contrast for the test. This meant that I couldn't nurse Addelyn for 24 hours. No one told me this. I didn't want to reschedule so she would just have to deal with formula for a day. Cheeto had perhaps his last, church basketball game. Again, thankfully I have great in-laws. They all juggled kids to help us out. Lettie let Kelson and Analise stay the night at their house to allow Cade his "contagious" space. By Saturday morning Cade was perking right up. It was 5am when I was feeding Addelyn when he jumped out of bed and said, "I feel much better, can I play the Wii?" I told him to go back to bed for awhile. He listened but he ended up playing the PS2 for the rest of the morning. Hey, he wasn't spreading the germs all over the house so I didn't care. But late afternoon he was looking a bunch better so we asked Damma to come with their truck and take our bikes to their house. They live on a court and have a much better place to ride bikes.

We are teaching Kelson to ride without training wheels.

Cade is doing much better with his because he has grown so much.
Last year he was terrified and wouldn't ride it.
Analise had a fun pushing hers.

Addelyn was great to just chill in her stroller!

We still had free Krispy Kreme coupons so we got some "to go" and headed to wash Millie. She was covered in salt from the snow storm. The car wash wasn't as busy as we thought but we still had to wait 20 minute or so. Cheeto turned the radio up and Analise just started dancing. She does this all over the house. It's actually kind of scary. 3 year old hips shouldn't move like that! The video doesn't show it as well as she was doing it. Enjoy the video! :) After "errands" we went home and invited Damma and Dampa over for a "Wii Party." (That's what the boys call it when people come over to play).
Addelyn did much better when it wasn't me giving her the bottle.
She would gag and pull the funniest faces while eating.
Analise was so excited to help feed her. She wanted me to bottle feed from now on. I'm no way ready to give nursing yet. When the 24 hours were finally up and I could feed Addelyn, she was ready! She latched on and wouldn't let go. She grabbed my shirt and acted like she was protecting her territory. She would look up and glare and then start snarfing it down again. Funny girl!
Addelyn modeling one of my latest hats. I thought it turned out so stinking cute!
I have to make another one! I know the flower is almost as big as her head, but still so cute.

Sunday we had to take a family picture for a project I was working on. It was something real quick and no one would really cooperate. Oh well, they turned out OK- they aren't wall worthy but they worked for the project.

Cheeto put Addelyn in the kids swing. She was so cute in her Panther's dress.
I'm not biased or anything- am I?

Monday was another nice day. 76 degrees. Analise kept saying we had to go somewhere. I really didn't have anywhere to go so I called Cheeto and asked if we could bring him a lunch and have a picnic at his office. His office has a really nice courtyard outside that we ate at. We used the rest of our Subway gift card and ate with him. Analise said she would like to do that everyday. Too bad that it requires so much effort. We did have lots of fun.Kelson found out that a girl from his class lives in Grandma's neighborhood and has been bugging ever since to get her over to play. We finally did it, except that we had her over to do their homework outside together. She was very quiet and Kelson was showing off for her. Typical boy! Just kidding. They were really cute. He treated her like a real gentleman. He got her water, offered her his bike, and got her an ice cream sandwich. They are distantly related so I their really are just friends! So cute though to see him have a friend to play with!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson and Cade both have picked up on the bad habit of biting their nails. Yesterday after school, I caught Kelson doing it and told him to stop. He did but then I caught him again. I kind of yelled at him and told him it was such a bad habit to keep doing. His exact response was this,

Kelson: "But Mom, my brain keeps telling me to do it!"
Mom: "Kelson, you are the only one that make yourself stop! Tell your brain to stop."
Kelson: "I did tell him to stop and he just won't listen! I'm sorry- he just doesn't can't do it!"

He then started to cry and get upset. I had such a hard time to not just bust out laughing and because he was already crying I had to leave the room.

Friday night--
I told Kelson and Cade that it was ridiculous that their room couldn't stay clean for more than a day. I clean it and it stays clean for an afternoon. I was venting my frustration when Kelson says "Mom, relax. Our room is suppose to be a mess. We are just kids and kids can't keep their rooms clean. Maybe when I'm 33, it will look better." (kelson's favorite number is 33 so I'm sure that's why he picked that number.)


Carolina Chocolate said...

Fun times. Love the hat. Funny kid quotes, especially about the messy room!