Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thank you, Thank you for healthy kids!

A few weeks ago I made a post about the little boy, who was dying from cancer, that I did his hand for. Well, yesterday afternoon he past away. I have only known this family for a month, yet their journey and struggles have touch me!
What a great blessing to have our health. I can't even imagine having to wake up everyday and wonder if today would be the last day that my child would have to fight for his/her last breath! How lucky are we to have the knowledge we do about eternal life and the resurrection! Just having kids would be harder wondering what would happen to life after death. I'm so grateful for my family! So grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ! So grateful for a worthy husband that is able to take me to the temple and to have an eternal family! Families can be together forever! I'm sure a little extra thought and prayer for this poor family would be appreciated. And maybe like me, it will inspire you to give a hug instead of getting upset with the day to day kid battles.


Becky said...

that makes me so sad for the family. It would have been hard to cast his hand knowing his time on earth was so short. I think I would have cried the whole time.

Melissa said...

It sad that it takes something like this to remind us just how blessed we are. FYI I've got four weeks left. I went into the doctor today desperately hoping he would give me something to look forward to, but I'm barely to a one. I've still got weeks left. *sigh*