Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One step forward to Emergency preparedness

I am embarrassed to admit that our food storage and emergency kits are non-existant. I just don't have the room for it so I haven't put much time and energy in building it up. Well, I have had multiple promptings in the past weeks to change this. I had another one on Saturday, this one came in the way of Kelson Taylor. We were in the van waiting for Cade to finish his piano lessons. I had brought some Friend magazines for entertaining the wee ones. Kelson brought me his and asked me to read him a story. It was about a girl that received an emergency backpack from her aunt for Christmas and she was dying to use the contents. Her mom explained what an emergency was and that the backpacks would be no good if she used them now, but together they decided an emergency drill would be a good idea. Long story short, the power ended up going out and they had to use the backpacks. It turned out it wasn't a drill. Kelson asked if we had such backpacks. I said I had the packs they just weren't packed. He said, "Mom, we better fill ours. What if we have an emergency and we aren't ready? Can we fix this this afternoon?" I figured I probably had enough stuff around the house to complete them. So this is what we did. I didn't have a large pack for Cheeto so we will have to change that but all of the kids have there own bag. They were thrilled. Analise can barely carry hers but it's cute watching her try with such excitement. The big hit was the flashlights! Cade was not excited when we put applesauce in his. He hates applesauce. I told him if it had been days since he was eating and was starving I'm positive even applesauce would be good. I don't think he believed me. Oh well, we made one big step forward and we are pleased.

Funny Kid Quote of the Day

We have two step stools in our house that get used in a multitude of ways. Friday, Analise was using the two stepped one as her desk top and the wooden single step as her chair. I was on the couch feeding Addelyn when Analise jumped up and knocked over the wooden step. She didn't realize it because when she came back to her "desk" she plopped down on it pretty hard. The tears began to fall immediately. She held her bum as she ran over to me with tears of pain. I asked her, "Ah, did you hurt your bum?" She bent over and pointed, "Yes! Right in the hole!" I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it. She got MAD! "MOM, IT"S NOT FUNNY! DON"T LAUGHT AT ME!!!!"


AdAmy said...

I also always laugh at my kids when I know it's not the right time to do so. I just can't help it sometimes, and when I get the same response as you did, I feel a little guilty, just a little. ;)