Monday, March 23, 2009


My sister-in-law started doing this and I think it's so fun to read about my nieces and nephews. I thought I would copy her and do it as well. First off.... ANALISE

AnAliSe just turned 3 in January. She was biggest baby. But she has the biggest full-of-life personality. Nothing is every boring with her around! AKA- "SASSY". Her brothers gave her that nickname and it has stuck. Most that know her call her this. I do have to clarify that it isn't the bad kind of sassy. She really is a sweet girl, with a big heart. She loves her brothers and little sister, almost too much sometimes.

Analise knows the way to her daddy's heart. One sunday in church she ran down the bench to talk to Cheeto. She asked, "Are we having beans for dinner?" Cheeto said yes. Analise whispered LOUDLY, YES!!!!!! Then she asked, "Are the Steelers playing?" Cheeto said no. "Are the panther's playing?" Cheeto again said, "no". She then asked, "Are the (stuck our her tongue and spit while doing thumbs down) playing?" Cheeto just busted out laughing. I guess I should have told you this was the week after the Steelers won the superbowl. Analise then got a sad look on her face. I think she was really wondering, "What team am I suppose to wear after church." About a year ago Analise found some Steelers and Panthers fabric in my storage. She requested that I make some dresses right then. By 9am she had herself a Steelers dress. The next morning she had a Panthers dress. She stood out on the porch when Cheeto got home to model her dress. She asked him, "Daddy, am I your Steelers princess?" while she twirled for him. Of course, Cheeto loves it!

Analise loves to torment her brothers. The boys think it's gross when Cheeto kisses me. They scream "NO SMACKY MOUTH!" Analise knows this so she will say, "hey guys- watch!" Then she will run and start kissing someone. They usually run out of the room when she does this. She loves when they go to school because she believes this is her time to play in their room without them yelling at her. Well, the rest is like an interview with her. Here are her adorable 3 year old answers!

What is your favorite food? Cheese! ( is she related to her father?)

What's your favorite color? Pink of course!

Where do you like to go? Costco and Target

What is your favorite toy? The boy's

What is your favorite song? The song from the "Bubble Movie" (The bubble movie is 13 going on 30. I have a DVD player the edits it just so you know that I don't allow her to watch it as is. The song she likes is "Thriller". Scary- I know!)

What is favorite animal? her exact words "MJ! Betuz she loves me!" (Tio- does that just melt your heart? Sorry Bofo and Macie)

Where do you want to go today? Just somewhere with you mommy! (AHHHH)

What is your favorite show? Star Wars the Clone Wars betuz I miss my boys (she always calls them "her" boys!)

Favorite team? "Mommy? We like the Steelers and Panthers. You knew that?" (There you go., she is definately Cheeto's little girl!!!!)/

age 1

Unfortately she also knows style. She has to have things match. She will tell you if the pinks don't match and what shoes she can wear with certain outfits. I don't even want to think about what she will be like as a teenager. I don't know how Cheeto is going to handle those years.

Analise and the phone. WOW! As soon as ANYONE gets on the phone she asks to talk to whoever it is on the other side. It doesn't matter, SHE WANTS TO TALK!!! I don't know where she gets that from. I think she comes by quite honestly. Obviously I don't mind the phone, but neither do her grandma'S and aunts! She's a girl! Most girls like the phone!!!


Becky said...

copy cat! I'm glad you did though. It is fun to single out the kids like that, even though you showed me up and wrote a lot more than I did!