Monday, March 02, 2009

The 'boro gets snow- and lots of it!

We woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning. The boys were excited because school was canceled, of course! When I got up to feed Addelyn around 4am and knew then that there was going to be no school today. Cheeto let me sleep until 8am. He had said that the kids were bugging way before then to go outside and play in it and that G'pa had already called asked if they could go play with him. I have a MRI appointment at 1:15 this afternoon so I wanted to get showered and ready before I headed over there. Cade didn't trust me driving over there even when I told him that I have probably driven in more snow than his dad. So, to keep Cade from freaking out, Cheeto drove us over here and then went to the office. He will probaby meet me later for my MRI. The kids weren't inside 5 minutes before they had Grandpa outside playing. He was packing the driveway with more snow for a sledding hill. Kelson had done something with his light saber and knocked himself in the eye right before we walked out of the door. He cut it slightly but has a pretty good sized welt. Once he got snow in his eye he wasn't thrilled with the snow. He was the first to give up. Cade got the neighbors next door to throw some snowballs with him. I just looked up and heard that Grandpa and Analise had finally given up. Analise surprised me! She is always the first one to complain about getting cold. When Grandpa called this morning, Cheeto told him that he would have to wait until I got up to find the "snow stuff." I laughed out loud when Cheeto told me that. We don't own "snow stuff!" Why would we? It's not worth it for the one time a year we go out to play in it! We made do with some layered sweats, slicker pants, old play shoes, coats, stocking hats and layered cotton mittens. Poor kids! I'm sure their Idaho and Utah cousins are just laughing at us right now. Oh well, glad we made you smile! I'm just grateful that Grandpa called and asked to have them play because Cheeto nor I wanted to go out. I wasn't feeling well, on top of my usual, I'm getting a cold, already have the sore throat. Cheeto just needed to go to work. Thank you for a good Papa that will play with them!!!!


Its All Good Ya'll said...

We got snow up here too. It is the most snow I have seen since I moved to the east. We had so much fun!

Leticia said...

I am so jealous! It so sucks to be an adult!!

Jody said...

I would gladly hand over as much snow as you want!!

maria said...

We got snow in NH too. I am sooooo over it though!!