Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4 months

Our baby girl was 4 months on Monday. We are still shocked how fast she has grown. It really does seem like yesterday when I was miserable and just wanted her out! Addelyn is such a happy baby. She cries for me to go pick her up out of the crib and as soon as she sees me she starts grinning from ear to ear. She allows the older kids to pick and love on her 24-7. The Lord knew I needed her. She has brought so much happiness to our family. She really does just complete our little family. I shouldn't say little. I can't tell you how many heads turn when they see me with 4 kids. I believe 4 is the old 7 or 8. People just don't know what they are missing sometimes. I have to be honest though. It is so hard keeping up with four. Cheeto had to get a new administrative assistant. So he is working some ridiculous long hours lately. Cade is requiring some major assistance with his homework. Kelson has changed overnight into an easily grumpy child. I don't know what happened there. Just everyone "drive's him nuts!" Analise lives up to her nickname- SASSY! So, I deserve Addelyn! Enough said! I'm not saying I don't have my own issues. I have enough to drive myself crazy so I know I drive Cheeto and the kids nuts too!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Last Friday, Cheeto had his last church basketball game. After the game Cheeto threw his jersey in the laundry and then walked to the bathroom to shower. Kelson went yelling to Cade, "Cade.... Come see! Daddy has fur!" This still makes me laugh. I told both of them to just wait. Just wait and see. Neither one of them believed me that one day they too would have hair on their chest! I wished I got this on video so 20 years from now I can show them.


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...