Monday, August 04, 2008

22 weeks 3 days

So if I thought last weeks picture was bad. It just got worse! Cade was wanting to take some pictures so I let him to take it this explains the blurriness. We were all in bad moods leaving for church so this explains the fake smiles. Oh well... a friend of ours was over Saturday and said, "It's about time you started showing. However, it still just looks like you ate a lot today and not pregnant!" Like that made me feel better. I think I would rather look obviously pregnant rather than looking like I have some relationship to food! I'm holding off on any maternity clothes as long as possible. So far so good. It's going to happen in the next few weeks for sure. I have felt him/her kick the last couple of days. Last night while lying in bed Cheeto had his hand on my stomach and he felt them as well. This is when he can start to be involved some. How exciting!


Lacey said...

Seriously, that is not fair! :0) I was in maternity clothes at 5 weeks with Maddison and I might add that I was not happy about it. It makes it really hard to keep your pregnancy a secret when you look pregnant right from the beginning. You need to share you secret to looking so good for so long.

Allison said...

I couldn't wait to get into maternity clothes! Of course, this is my first... I just love baby kicks. Out little girl loves to kick Adam in the face! :o)

Allison said...

Yeah, so I meant "Our little girl" not "Out little girl"...Oy...more mommy brain!