Sunday, July 27, 2008

21 weeks 3 days

This is so not my best picture. The camera was about to die and this was the only picture we got taken before it shut itself off. We figured we would start to take pictures of my growing tummy to show family at home our progress. I must say this is not my favorite thing. I quite enjoy that my family never sees me pregnant. They just see me 6-12 months after baby. And being since this is our last (knock on wood).... we thought it would be fun to keep a better record of such things.


Lacey said...

Okay, that is so not fair! I look twice your size when I am only 5 weeks. You look great!

Amanda said...

Yeah! We're so excited for you guys! You look great. I've been so behind with blogging lately and have been meaning to tell you congrats for a while. By the way - are you ready for Breaking Dawn?!