Thursday, January 06, 2005

Two days in a row!?

Mostly work today. Marcos was in Raleigh to play golf at the golf course where he used to work, Eagle Ridge, with a friend...while I worked. Life is SOOOO unfair sometimes.

A client of ours who is from Pittsburgh brought down a "Big Ben (Roethlisberger)" t-shirt for me, since he knew I was a fan. Very nice of him. I don't think I have ever met the guy in person, but we always talk about the Steelers when we talk.

Shena and the boys are still getting over their colds. Cade is mostly better, Shena and Kelson are still fighting theirs a bit. She was tough enough to still do her piano lessons today. A trooper that girl. Everybody knows that I would have been whining and laying in bed wanting to be taken care of if I was even 1/5 as sick as she is.

Received news that Adam & Melissa are having another boy. They are a bit disappointed, because Adam was POSITIVE it was a girl. He thinks the Arellano's are cursed...which makes no sense since my dad has LOTS of sisters. Also heard that Kristy (Shelton) & Zach Stout are having a boy...which is what they were hoping for.

Remembered at 9:00 pm last night that today was "Three Kings" day and we should be putting our shoes out for them to leave presents in at dad's house. Shena made me drive over to mom & dad's and put out our shoes. Dad had forgotten too, but when I went over this afternoon, he had put out shoes for the entire family. Shena said that when Kelson saw the shoes out, he got excited and took out all the money that was in them and put all of it into dad's shoe. Kid loves to wear other people's shoes.

Weather: 68, mostly cloudy, a little breezy, rained for about 1/2 hour in the afternoon

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Corn tortillas, refried beans, cheese, Sprite

Dinner: Cheddar Bacon Ranch Angus Burger from BK (no tom, no onion), fries, Sprite and Hershey's Pie. The burger wasn't nearly as good as it sounds, and the beef wasn't as good as Hardee's.

Sleep: 7.5 hours (11:30 to 7:00) - eyes still hurt in the afternoon like I didn't get enough sleep...Cade up twice in the night, maybe that's it!