Monday, January 10, 2005

FHE Challenge

A typical Monday. Late start, crazy day at work, computers not working right, etc. How do all these things know it's Monday?

Shena is battling a sore throat. Her voice is quite deep right now. She is still looking for a dress.

Kelson has stopped taking naps. Shena said he slept only 1/2 hour at mid-morning. That means he is a grouch from the time I get home from work until about 8:00 when we finally put him to bed because he is so grouchy. I love coming home from work for lunch, though. They were all outside today playing in the grass and on the driveway when I got there. Both Cade & Kelson came running up to me. Makes you feel good when your kids are excited to see you.

We normally have Family Home Evening with Mom & Dad. They had a group/branch FHE at their house tonight, and it sounded like there would be alot of people there, so we had our own here, which is fine. Our Stake President challenged everybody in the Stake to read the Book of Mormon in the first 100 days of the year. We decided that as a family, there was just no way, so we decided to read one chapter a night with the boys. Even that seems to be pushing it. Tonight we pulled out a chart and will be filling it in as we go, then have a little party or something at the end. Shena and I will be reading the Book of Mormon on our own to meet our goal, but it just won't happen as a family. Maybe next year, when Cade can sit still a little longer.

It's only Monday and I'm already feeling nervous and anxious for the Steelers game on Saturday. I'm sure it will be difficult to concentrate as the week wears on. Sometimes I think I am a little too fanatical about my football teams (Steelers and Panthers), but then I realize that football is the only sport that I am like this for. I'm not CRAZY about any other teams like I am about these two. And I don't follow them as closely during the off-season as I do during the regular and post season. And as bad as I (or anybody else) think I am, I know there are thousands and thousands out there that are much worse than me!

Weather: 66 degrees, sunny

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Corn tortillas with re-fried beans, cheese, sprite - small piece of Shena's chocolate cake

Dinner: Penne pasta with tomato sauce, covered in cheese, with cheese covered french bread, milk - I'll be having a piece of that chocolate cake again after I'm done writing this

Sleep: 8 hours (11:30 to 7:30) - trying to recover from Saturday nights little episode - still felt tired...maybe it was too much sleep!?