Friday, January 07, 2005

Dress Shopping

Shena had a bad day. She is trying to find a formal dress for Navigon's annual awards dinner @ Grandover and she didn't have much luck. Apparently, she went to about 15 different stores (no exaggeration there) and wasn't able to find anything that made her happy. I think she may try to get me to go out with her tomorrow.

I just worked today. I've started the process of calling lenders to get money to pay for an addition that we may put on the house. We currently use one of our 3 bedrooms for an office/craft room and that restricts us having any more kids. We don't have another one on the way (so calm don't have news to spread yet!), but we know that if we decide to have another, we won't have any room for it. We don't think we are ready to try to buy another house, so the addition seems the next step. We like where we live and would like to move only once we'll stay here as long as we can and keep our eyes open for our "dream house."

Marcos and I played basketball at the church tonight with the ward. We had a game against Guilford ward, the first of the season and my first exercise in months (let alone my first basketball game in probably a year). Luckily there were 9 of us so we didn't have to play any more than 8 minutes at a time (one quarter). I may have been in big trouble otherwise. I can't run around like I used to be able to do. That was about all I had going for me when I was younger...quickness and energy. I could run circles around those "old guys." Now I am getting to be one of the "old guys" and I just kind of jog down the court...or go about 70% of what I used to be able to do. It is still fun to play, however.

Why is it that "race" is always given as the reason given when two people of a different race are involved in a bad situation? Why can't it just be motivated by pure dislike? I'm a Christian man, but there are some people I just don't like...race is not a factor in any way. I guess you could say I'm an "Equal Opportunity Disliker."

Yet, I find myself getting annoyed at the confirmation hearings when the senators are grilling Alberto Gonzales, I automatically think "they don't like him because he is Hispanic." But that isn't necessarily the case. Maybe the senators are just trying to have their questions answered.

And when a white cop and a black motorist get into a fight, why does the NAACP immediately (I mean, really, have they heard both sides of the story...or just see "white cop, black motorist"?) start claiming it was racially motivated? Was the cop white? Yes. Was the motorist black (and old)? Yes. Does that mean the cop hates black guys? Maybe the cop just doesn't like OLD black guys? I'm not going to say that I have a good deal of experience, but I've seen my share of "Cops" and I have been surprised by the behavior of some "older" folks. Just because the guy is old doesn't mean he isn't a bad person (this guy is 79 and is a self-proclaimed white supremacist...I'll bet he isn't the nicest old guy you would ever meet) doesn't mean he isn't capable of resisting arrest. Granted, I've also seen my share of power tripping cops on "Cops" too...but how do you NOT give the cop the benefit of the doubt? It sounds to me like he is automatically assumed to be the bad guy because the motorist was old (strike one) AND black (strike two). If the motorist turns out to be gay (strike three), this cop will be strung up by his toes by the media.

Weather: 65 degrees, mostly cloudy...much cooler today than it has been

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Taco Bell - Steak Gordita supreme, no tomato & bean burrito, no onion - water

Dinner: Chorizo & Eggs on corn tortillas with beans and cheese (before b-ball game) & a bowl of Trix and a bowl of Cinammon Toast Crunch after the game.

Sleep: 8.5 hours - (10:30 to 7:00) - now that is more like slept through the night..I only woke up once, at 6:00, like I usually do...felt VERY refreshed today