Tuesday, September 30, 2008

why did mama say there would be days like this!?!?

Little man on the green.

Papa playing caddie and giving some good advice.

Little man and Papa resting in the shade before having to endure the heat of the course.
That look should have tipped me off that it was going to be a rough 9 holes.

Cade was warming up on the practice green and actually sunk some pretty long putts.
Made Mama proud!

We had our 4th week of golf last night. I got them there and we were all in good spirits. My back and side were hurting before I even got out of the car but I sucked it up for the boys sake. Kelson requested to go with Papa this time and Cade was fine with going with me. They were great warming up on the practice green. We got our hole assignments and started. Cade had a rough start. First shot of the tee he lost. We didn't look real hard because it landed in a bunch of poison ivy. He only had 2 balls in his bag so I was trying to teach him to compensate for his slice. He wouldn't listen so instead of making him more mad I just let him play "his" game. Well, it just went, not downhill, but rather off cliff from there. Let's just say that he would have won a Grammy for his display on the course. I was trying to help the other boys with their scoring and such so I tried to endure the remainder 7 holes. I was so proud that I never once yelled, never even raised my voice-changed my tone- YES, but never yelled. I really wanted to scream at him! I endured a few more holes; however, once we finished the 4th hole and started abusing the greens, I had to call it quits. I pulled him off and sat him on the clubhouse porch until Kelson finished. I was brought to tears. I didn't know what else to do. A father came to sit by me and said he saw that we were having a rough time out there. He said he commended me for what I did, that he knows many parents today would have allowed their child to get away with it. He was proud that even though hard, I was still trying to teach my son that such behavior is not accepted. This made me fill a bit better.
There have been times where other mothers have reprimanded me for disciplining my children ie at malls and such. I guess in this case, I just feel like playing sports is a privilege. We don't pay good money, time, and gas to have our children act this way. Cade needed a wake up call. I cried a lot of tears yesterday wondering if I really am that bad of a mother, and what I did to deserve him to talk to me the way he did. It still makes me cry. We try and try to give our kids the best and this is the payback. They behave so well with everyone else, but 20 minutes alone with Mom and it all falls apart. Cheeto feels like it's because he gone so much. That may be... but what else can we do at this point. I feel like kids are just overly spoiled. I try to limit this in our home but still feel like we are all spoiled. My kids don't get or do everything they ask for. Then they come back to complain that so and so at school has it or gets to go to this and that. I just want to scream... GOOD FOR THEM!!!I don't know... I suppose there is more drama to come. :) I have to quit venting. :)


ashley said...

i agree...such things are a priviledge and need to be earned. they aren't a right.

Cathy said...

I can't believe the comments people make sometimes to complete strangers! I think you do a great job!

Rayna said...

This is Cousin Raychel. I love the pictures!
I know exactly how you feel. My kids act the same and they're 10 and 12 (it never ends).
Someone once told me, "we should be happy that they know how to act in school, church, with others, etc.. it means we've done our job"! I say, "we still deserve better, though"!