Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Labor Day- is it really a vacation day?

NOPE! Yesterday was not a day off- that's for sure. Cheeto got up and mowed first thing before it got too hot. I cleaned the house. I thought that it would be the usual quick clean. As I went to mop the kitchen some annoying bugs presented themselves under my stove. I went and got Cheeto to show him. He suggested we pull out the stove and clean under it. In my mind, I'm thinking, "NO WAY! I don't think I want to know what's under there!" Thankfully it wasn't that bad... yet. It was a good thing to get it cleaned though. We found almost an entire puzzle under there.
We got cleaned up to only head back to Cheeto's office for the remainder of the day. Mom agreed to help with the kids. The boys ended up going golfing with Papa. Analise started off golfing but got tired so G'ma had to go get her. She's a bit young to walk 9 holes. (Par 3- of course!) Mom made us all dinner. YIPPEE! I was so thankful for that! Cheeto's office is really coming together. I think it looks great. His private office shows so much of his personality. I would have to say it's probably his dream office. Leather couch, yuppy desk, family pictures, steelers, panthers... what else describes my husband. I'm so proud of what he has done. We were discussing how much testing he has left. We are so close. If we can just survive the next 7 months!

Cheeto wasn't thrilled that I was taking pictures when it wasn't all completely finished. I like stage pictures. You can't appreciate it if you don't see the growing stages. On the other hand, Jim was all about taking some pictures.

While unpacking boxes we found hundreds of beanie babies. They use them in seminars for something. Not quite sure what for- so don't ask! :) Anywho... They were running short on space so Cheeto said to take a few home to the kids. Cheeto and I are far from pet people. However, the kids enjoy playing with Cheeto's brother and sister's dogs. Cheeto laughed and said to give them beanie baby dogs and tell them this is the close as they will ever come to a pet of their own. They got to pick which one they wanted. Kelson replaced his "Pippy" lamb that has pretty much been worn out. Analise looked at one and said it looked sad (it was a Bassett hound) so she picked one that looked happy. If anyone knows Analise, she is one happy little girl. She named her puppy, "Happy." Cade chose another one and name him "George". Cheeto really gave them them to the kids because of all the hard work they did helping him last week. The kids were thrilled- As you can tell!