Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Teacher Change and lights out!

Last friday I got a call from Cade's school letting us know that Cade's teacher was offered a position at the central offices and had accepted it. She would be helping with the transition and would be leaving by Wednesday of this week (today). The new teacher, Mrs. Foster, was a 5th grade teacher and would be moving to teach Cade's class. I wasn't really thrilled about this at first. I tried talking to parents with older kids in the same school to see what I could find out about her but came up with nothing. Last night they had an open house at the school which gave us the chance to meet her. I have to admit I never go to these things but thought we really should under the circumstances. We met with Kelson's teacher first. She was great. I pretty much knew what she would say, "Kelson is such a happy boy. He gets lots of happy sticks. He loves to help others, is kind to everyone and is a great participant." All good things. We are proud of the way he is adjusting.
My first impression of Mrs. Foster is good. In a way, I think she will better than Mrs. Saad. Mrs. Saad was very quiet and seemed almost distant in the couple of times that I met with and tried to speak with her. Mrs. Foster has a louder personality and I think that is better for Cade. Cade is so quiet and shy anyway that he does better with teachers that will be energetic and outgoing to make learning exciting. She has some good teaching tools to teach the students respect and be a good citizen of society. A great thing in today's world.
This might be an answer to my prayers- not saying that Mrs. Saad was going to be a bad thing. I just really feel like this is going to be a better situation. Cheeto said she talked too much. The open house was suppose to start at 7pm but she wanted to wait to start until some more parents filtered in. She started at 7:25pm and ended about 7:50pm. I didn't think that was too bad. I think he was just tired and hungry. You know what an empty stomach can do to people.
Cade said today went well. They have been taking pretesting the past couple of days. I think Cade likes her already because she didn't believe in having homework on these testing days- said it was a lot for them to take in. I agreed and Cade was all for a night free of homework. We'll see how the next few weeks go and I'll post an update.

Tonight started out fine until it was time to turn lights out. I yelled for them to get them turn out or else. Cade yelled back, "MOM! Our light won't turn off!" I thought to myself, "that's impossible. You're making this up- just another excuse!" Nope, he was right. The toggle on the switch had completely broken off and their light would not turn off unless you stood there and held it in. I sent the boys to sleep in my bed- for the time being. Cheeto was of course studying. I called to ask him what he suggested doing. He said have the boys sleep in our bed- for the time being! We are sticklers about not allowing kids to sleep in our bed! He said he would be awhile but he would take the bulbs out or figure something out for tonight. I could start to smell something burning so I called Lettie and Kris to see if they would come help. Lucky me- they were already on their way out to get dog food for Bofo. They got the light bulbs out and the switch disconnected. Of course this got the kids all wound up and not sleepy anymore. :) We had to turn the breakers off to do so. Cade came outside and yelled at me for causing a blackout! He hates when the power goes out- the world comes to an end! Well, I told them that was fine for tonight and Cheeto would fix it tomorrow. But Kris being Kris just wanted to have it fixed. So they are at Lowes as I'm typing getting a new switch and coming back to install it. What in-laws I have! Now that is love!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Yesterday I was at the grocery store. I was talking to a guy in the seafood department. I looked over and saw that Analise was holding her nose. As we walked away she said, "Mommy- you no buy fish. It stinky! We go smell the cookies!" Yep- she has some of her father in her too!


Allison said...

I love that comment by Analise. I completely agree!