Monday, September 29, 2008

Phew... what a close call.

Today started off so bad! Both boys were almost in tears for one reason or another as they walked out the door. Both had many rocks taken for talking back and talking rude to mommy this morning as well. Cheeto was tired and stressed about his test he had this morning as well. He went to bed about 5am on Sunday. We both left each other this morning in rotten moods. I had to report to jury duty and get Sassy to G'ma's by 7:45am.
I got a summons about a month ago to report to jury duty today. My first reaction was to get out of it. However, after thinking about it and weighing the options I should just try to get it over with. I am a miserable pregnant woman right now but if I got it postponed then I would have a nursing baby and two little ones at home to have to deal with the next time. I did get a note from my doctor stating my back and sciatic problems so I took that with me this morning just in case. I got there and found out the jury parking was full so I had to be sent to another parking deck which was packed as well. I was about 2 minutes late walking in and got one of the last 5 seats in the room of 100 or so. I sat down and immediately had to go to the bathroom again. ARGH! I was frustrated already. Well, the lady started going over any reason why you would/could be excused. After her little spiel, she looked at me and said, "Come get in line, I think you qualify honey." Hey, I did as I was told. I asked her before she gave me the papers if she was "excusing"me or just "postponing." She said, "Oh no, sweetheart, you are EXCUSED! You are good for 2 years!" Thank you! I was so relieved! I think Cheeto was too. He felt bad that I got summoned and not him- IF it had to be one of us. So thankfully, a rotten start to my day had already gotten better. Sassy wasn't impressed that I came home early. She was looking forward to riding in "da'mas car" So G'ma still took her to run her few errands and brought her home just before lunch. We were both tired so we took naps and now awaiting the school bus and then off to little league golf.
HALLELUJAH!!!! Cheeto passed another test! We are getting closer. 3 more left which is about equivalent to 3-4 more months of studying. I want to push him through one more in October and possibly one more in November but then take a few months off for the holidays and more importantly b-a-b-y! We shall see what happens. I'm so very proud of my husband! This year has been so rough at times but we are making it. Some days I wonder how we do it but we are doing it!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Last night Tia and I were cutting coupons together. There were a bunch I had thrown on the floor that had expired and just needed to be thrown away. Analise picked some up. I told her to throw them in the garbage. She went to open the front door and throw them outside. Both Tia and I said, "NO!" and called her a litter-bug. She said, "I no want to be a lady-bug!"


audra said...

Yeah Cheeto! How exciting! Shena should do a cheer for you! I didn't know she used to be a cheerleader, but I'm not surprised:)