Sunday, September 07, 2008


I think I'm looking forward to not having soccer games every Saturday. However, even without soccer we do a good job at finding things to fill the day. The tropical storm Hanna had presented herself yesterday morning. It was raining pretty good. Tia Lettie helped me take the kids to Home Depot for kids. Cade was excited because they made football field goals. It wasn't too difficult helping the boys but Analise required her own adult to help her. We got along great and made some fun field goals. We came home to put on some finishing touches- ie paint. I think they liked this more than building them. Analise painted hers purple. Cade's had to be yellow- more realistic. Kelson's is Carolina Panther blue- of course. Cheeto saw them last night and assumed we had painted them Steelers Yellow, Carolina blue and Viking Purple. That man has NFL on the mind for most things! :) I love him though!
Cheeto has been killing himself everyday studying. He has a test tomorrow morning so he has been stressed to say the least. We might have seen him a total of 5 hours all week. Not much in 7 days. I miss his companionship at night. I know he's doing it for us so I try so hard not to complain and just keeping moving forward. The kids are starting to get grumpy. This often happens when they see a little too much of mom! We'll make though. We don't have any other choice do we!?!?!