This was Sassy's first time in the "chair". We are growing her out for locks of love but it's been getting really hard to comb through. G'ma already had an appointment so I called the fabulous Kristi to see if we could sneak in a quick trim after. Kelson had told her that sometimes a haircut hurts a little bit. Well, sure, sometimes when your are shaving it! This made Sassy not so sure about the whole thing. She did great though. She was wiggling a bit but Kristi said that was very normal. Of course it was! What was I thinking... that a 2 year old would sit perfectly still.
Funny side story:
Before going to Kristi's, G'ma had a gym appointment so Analise and I ran and did our grocery shopping across the street real quick. I was debating about flavors of something so I was standing in this isle for a few minutes. I noticed this old lady stealing chocolates out of the candy bins. She would sneak one into her hand, walk down to the end of the isle, eat it and walk back for another. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She did this at least 3 times. I was on the phone with Cheeto and he suggested that I report her to someone. Well, by the time I went to do so, she was already checking out. I should have done it still but didn't think that it would do any good to make a scene flagging her down.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sassy's Haircut
Posted by Shena at 2:48 PM 0 comments
why did mama say there would be days like this!?!?
We had our 4th week of golf last night. I got them there and we were all in good spirits. My back and side were hurting before I even got out of the car but I sucked it up for the boys sake. Kelson requested to go with Papa this time and Cade was fine with going with me. They were great warming up on the practice green. We got our hole assignments and started. Cade had a rough start. First shot of the tee he lost. We didn't look real hard because it landed in a bunch of poison ivy. He only had 2 balls in his bag so I was trying to teach him to compensate for his slice. He wouldn't listen so instead of making him more mad I just let him play "his" game. Well, it just went, not downhill, but rather off cliff from there. Let's just say that he would have won a Grammy for his display on the course. I was trying to help the other boys with their scoring and such so I tried to endure the remainder 7 holes. I was so proud that I never once yelled, never even raised my voice-changed my tone- YES, but never yelled. I really wanted to scream at him! I endured a few more holes; however, once we finished the 4th hole and started abusing the greens, I had to call it quits. I pulled him off and sat him on the clubhouse porch until Kelson finished. I was brought to tears. I didn't know what else to do. A father came to sit by me and said he saw that we were having a rough time out there. He said he commended me for what I did, that he knows many parents today would have allowed their child to get away with it. He was proud that even though hard, I was still trying to teach my son that such behavior is not accepted. This made me fill a bit better.
There have been times where other mothers have reprimanded me for disciplining my children ie at malls and such. I guess in this case, I just feel like playing sports is a privilege. We don't pay good money, time, and gas to have our children act this way. Cade needed a wake up call. I cried a lot of tears yesterday wondering if I really am that bad of a mother, and what I did to deserve him to talk to me the way he did. It still makes me cry. We try and try to give our kids the best and this is the payback. They behave so well with everyone else, but 20 minutes alone with Mom and it all falls apart. Cheeto feels like it's because he gone so much. That may be... but what else can we do at this point. I feel like kids are just overly spoiled. I try to limit this in our home but still feel like we are all spoiled. My kids don't get or do everything they ask for. Then they come back to complain that so and so at school has it or gets to go to this and that. I just want to scream... GOOD FOR THEM!!!I don't know... I suppose there is more drama to come. :) I have to quit venting. :)
Posted by Shena at 2:16 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Phew... what a close call.
Today started off so bad! Both boys were almost in tears for one reason or another as they walked out the door. Both had many rocks taken for talking back and talking rude to mommy this morning as well. Cheeto was tired and stressed about his test he had this morning as well. He went to bed about 5am on Sunday. We both left each other this morning in rotten moods. I had to report to jury duty and get Sassy to G'ma's by 7:45am.
I got a summons about a month ago to report to jury duty today. My first reaction was to get out of it. However, after thinking about it and weighing the options I should just try to get it over with. I am a miserable pregnant woman right now but if I got it postponed then I would have a nursing baby and two little ones at home to have to deal with the next time. I did get a note from my doctor stating my back and sciatic problems so I took that with me this morning just in case. I got there and found out the jury parking was full so I had to be sent to another parking deck which was packed as well. I was about 2 minutes late walking in and got one of the last 5 seats in the room of 100 or so. I sat down and immediately had to go to the bathroom again. ARGH! I was frustrated already. Well, the lady started going over any reason why you would/could be excused. After her little spiel, she looked at me and said, "Come get in line, I think you qualify honey." Hey, I did as I was told. I asked her before she gave me the papers if she was "excusing"me or just "postponing." She said, "Oh no, sweetheart, you are EXCUSED! You are good for 2 years!" Thank you! I was so relieved! I think Cheeto was too. He felt bad that I got summoned and not him- IF it had to be one of us. So thankfully, a rotten start to my day had already gotten better. Sassy wasn't impressed that I came home early. She was looking forward to riding in "da'mas car" So G'ma still took her to run her few errands and brought her home just before lunch. We were both tired so we took naps and now awaiting the school bus and then off to little league golf.
HALLELUJAH!!!! Cheeto passed another test! We are getting closer. 3 more left which is about equivalent to 3-4 more months of studying. I want to push him through one more in October and possibly one more in November but then take a few months off for the holidays and more importantly b-a-b-y! We shall see what happens. I'm so very proud of my husband! This year has been so rough at times but we are making it. Some days I wonder how we do it but we are doing it!
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Last night Tia and I were cutting coupons together. There were a bunch I had thrown on the floor that had expired and just needed to be thrown away. Analise picked some up. I told her to throw them in the garbage. She went to open the front door and throw them outside. Both Tia and I said, "NO!" and called her a litter-bug. She said, "I no want to be a lady-bug!"
Posted by Shena at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A little parental reminder...
Cheeto sent this article to me. What a good reminder for all of us parents! I thought I should share it with all!
Even parents need occasional reminders on how to be a loving, responsible parent to children, from the day our children are born and even into adulthood.
Taking a look at how our children view the world in general, and their perceptions on our parenting skills, can help parents improve their communication style that builds self-confidence and self-esteem in children that are necessary to succeed in life.
Ten Commandments for Parents:
1. My hands are small; please don’t expect perfection whenever I make my bed, draw a picture or throw a ball. My legs are short; please slow down so that I can keep up with you.
Remember, it’s our parental responsibility to teach and train our children how to do even the basics of life such as, how to make a bed, how to brush their teeth properly, how to prepare simple meals, how to dust and vacuum, but not expecting perfection in each task. As children learn each new life skill, give them opportunities to practice these in your own home, so young children and teenagers can feel good about themselves and build confidence in their own abilities.
2. My eyes have not seen the world as yours have; please let me explore safely; don’t restrict me unnecessarily.
It should go without saying but, this advice does not include allowing our children such a wide berth of “freedom to explore” their surroundings in such a way that might put children at risk of being harmed or abused in some way.
3. Housework will always be there. I’m only little for such a short time-please take the time to explain things to me about this wonderful world and do so willingly.
4. My feelings are tender; please be sensitive to my needs; don’t nag me all day long. (You wouldn’t want to be nagged for your inquisitiveness). Treat me as you would like to be treated.
No matter how busy we are as parents, taking care of the home, jobs and other duties, make sure you are taking/making the time to really listen to your children. Physically stop whatever you’re doing when your child wants or needs to talk to you, rather than thoughtlessly telling children you are “too busy right now”, making sure you are giving your child undivided attention and looking directly into their eyes when they are speaking.
5. I am a special gift; please treasure me as my Creator intended you to do, holding me accountable for my actions, giving me guidelines to live by and disciplining me in a loving manner.
6. I need your encouragement, not just your praise to grow. Please go easy on the criticism; you can criticize the things I do without criticizing me.
7. Please give me the freedom to make decisions concerning myself. Permit me to fail, so that I can learn from my own mistakes. Then someday I will be prepared to make the kind of decisions life will require of me.
8. Please don’t do things over for me. Somehow that makes me feel that my efforts didn’t quite measure to your expectations. I know it’s hard, but please don’t try to compare me to my brother or sister.
If you have the tendency to give your child a chore to do, but continuously follow closely behind to re-do the chore “your way”, you might need to consider if you are really helping or enabling your child’s efforts to grow and fully develop.
9. Please don’t be afraid to leave for a weekend together. Kids need a vacation from parents, just as parents need vacations from kids. Besides it’s a great way to show us kids that your marriage is very special.
Taking and making time to be alone with your spouse, over a weekend trip or during “Date Night” away from the kids, is beneficial for children as well as for married couples. It’s so easy to get bogged down with various aspects of daily living that we may find the fire and romance in marriage once enjoyed, before the kids came along, begins to slip away from us.
10. Please set a good example for me to follow in all the ways of life. I enjoy watching the things you do and want to do them just like you do.
The old saying, “Children learn what they live” couldn’t be more true, so make sure as parents that the attitude and behaviors children learn are the ones you really want your children to exhibit in their lives.
Posted by Shena at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Is this for real?
Today started off like any other for the first hour anyway. Kelson woke up and decided he really wanted to try and go to school. He wasn't running a fever so there was no reason to keep him home. Cade was happy to have him going today. Well, he was slow getting ready but still made it in time for the bus. On the way out he was running and tripped. He fell and skinned his forehead on our driveway. I just heard Cheeto say... "OH- Kelson just fell." Cade was already on the bus by the time I got to Kelson. I waved the driver on and Cade still had to ride by himself today- poor kid. Well, Kelson was bleeding so I kept him home until Cheeto got ready for work. He then took him to the school. Poor Kelson! He was complaining that his head was aching again and was embarrassed that he had a band aid on his forehead. It was a clear one with "Mater" on it. I told him the kids wouldn't laugh but think it was a cool band aid. Cheeto said he was doing OK when he dropped him off. It's been a rough few days for our sweet Kelson!
Well, Analise was such a stinker yesterday so I was dreading having to do too much with her today. We were going to go walking but I sneezed major this morning and really hurt my chronic side pain in the process. So I had to talk her out of going to the park for our walk. It's going to be a few days before I feel like going again. Bummer! We decided to take our walking friend to our favorite chicken store - Hopkins Poultry. Analise was, of course, back to her good little girl self. However, she did crack me up as we were walking out the door. She had dressed herself in a red shirt, blue jeans, and her new brown boots. When I told her to get a jacket she came back saying, " I can't mommy! My jacket doesn't "match!" See... it's pink. It no match my red shirt!" I went searching through her drawers for something that she would put on to "match" her red shirt! Phew! I found a brown sweater I had made her last winter. It still took some convincing that the brown sweater would match just fine. I finally had to tell her that she had brown boots on so she could wear a brown sweater. Then she told me that she needed a brown belt too- because Daddy, Cade, and Kelson always have belts. Are you kidding me? She's 2! How can she really be like this so early? Her teenage years are going to be brutal!
Posted by Shena at 10:52 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Kelson's day off!
Well, Kelson finally got what he's been asking for. He gets to stay home from school- not for fun though. He's sick! Yesterday I picked him from school for a doctor's appointment. After over an hour wait, he started fading fast. By the time we got home, he was looking pretty punk. He lied down the rest of the day. He started running a fever and has been sleeping like an infant. Analise isn't real impressed that her "Kelson" is home and he doesn't want to play with her. I took his temperature last night and he was still holding at 101.3. I was going to warn him then that there might be a chance that he wouldn't be able to go to school in the morning. However... I realized that might not be very smart. I decided just to wait until morning and see how he is. He woke up with a slight fever so we decided to give him another day. Cade was bummed he had to go to school alone. The first few days he hated having Kelson with him and now he hates going without him. Can we ever make our boy happy? It was sweet that he was going to miss Kelson.
We found out the little mark on Kelson's face is a pilotricoma. It's like a little cyst underneath the surface of the skin. The doctor told us that they really do recommend having them removed. She is just concerned about his age. He's pretty little to have to sit still through such a procedure for 30 minutes. If we can find a surgeon to do it, she thinks that might be best because they can use some different types of medications to make it all more comfortable for him. We will just have to wait and see what we can find out. I'm seriously thinking of seeking a second opinion.
With mom and dad in California, golfing posed a problem last night. Thankfully, I have an awesome husband that has a great job that he can make his hours a bit flexible. He picked up Cade and went to play his 9 holes. Kelson will have to make up his 9 sometime later in the week.
Posted by Shena at 7:31 AM 3 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
29 weeks 3 days
I was looking at the calendar this weekend. I noticed as I was looking at it that my due date is RIGHT after Thanksgiving. The weekend before is the Twilight movie release. The week before that is the primary program. Before that, Halloween and school parties, before that, ward parties and before that is general conference and before that is THIS WEEK! And in between of all of that is studying for Cheeto, homework, golf tournaments and Christmas preparations! Phew! Do I have time to have a baby? I'm really thinking I don't! :) Man, I hope time really goes by as fast as it did when I looked at the calendar!
Posted by Shena at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Bunk Beds- finally!
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Kelson hasn't felt well the past few days. He has been stuffy and coughing. At church yesterday he was blue and didn't want to do much. I told him in sacrament meeting that when I didn't feel well that my mom would make me Jello. He loves Jello. So... if he would try really hard to be good through church then we could make him some Jello. During primary he really started to perk up some. I asked him if he was starting to feel better. He said, "Yes, but just a tiny little bit. I think I'm still going to need some Jello."
Posted by Shena at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
28 weeks 3 days
Posted by Shena at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Loving life!
I cannot say enough how much I have enjoyed my time with Sassy the past few weeks. She is such a different little girl when big brothers are not around. I can see how much she has grown just in the few weeks they have been gone. She talks in full sentences and seems so mature on so many levels. Girls! What a difference from boys! She loves to run errands. She never has tried running away from me in stores. She loves to help grocery shop, clean, and my favorite take naps with mommy! She use to take them in her bed but now has become so content to lie next to me and dose. I love it! We have lunch everyday by ourselves. She acts like this is her favorite time of day. She helps make whatever and we sit down together for a quiet lunch. She helps with the clean up and then we nap. This particular day she wanted peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate milk (those two have to go together- it's an Arellano thing). I had remembered these Nesquik cups that were mine when I was little. I got them down and we had chocolate milk. She was so excited that... guess what... yep- she wanted to take a picture to show daddy. This is our best way of showing daddy what we do while he's working so hard! It's even on the blog that he hears about it just like the rest of you.
Our kids work on a behavior system with earning rocks. They earn shiny blue rocks and fill jars when they do things without asking, sharing, good behavior in public, homework without complaints, eating all of their dinner, not wetting their pants (sassy-not so much the boys :) )... you get the idea. They finally filled them up for the second time. We treated them to the Dollar Store. Big deal right? Well, they thought so. The boys picked out some hats. Analise surprised me. She wanted this baby swimsuit. It was actually for a real child but she wanted it for her cabbage patch doll. She was so cute about it, especially because it was purple and it had flip flops on it - her two favorite things. I just had to warn her that just because her baby had a swim suit on didn't mean that she could really go swimming!
PS- Hey Doodles- I want you to notice the lights. Cheeto came home that night after your post and changed them. The next morning we about blinded the kids at breakfast.
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Cade had me cracking up at 6:30 in the morning. Saturday we had gone to a birthday party and we got a number of misquito bites. They always look worse on my kids for some reason. He was itching and getting frustrated. Well, I thought that's what he was itching. He finally had had it and yelled, "MOM- I'm growing radishes!" I immediately stopped what I was doing to say, "What?!!?" I looked over and he had a "rash." Kelson had a rash on his legs in the summer and so we talked about what types of things cause rashes and you just have to put some cortizone on it and it will help. Well, obviously Cade was confused. It was Kelson that said, "Cade- not radishes. It's called a rash, silly!" Cade didn't like Kelson correcting him. Today I asked him about it and he still was calling it a radish.
Posted by Shena at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Cheeto's office
Cheeto finally took some good pictures of his finished office. This is mostly for my parents that were here and didn't get to really see the final product. It's still taking some time to get everything figured out. Cheeto does a lot of the computer fixing and networking and such. This takes him away from doing his own business. He is also studying like a mad man to get as many tests taken before baby comes. He rocks! That's all I can say. I couldn't ask for a better man. Especially one that is so motivated and dedicated. It's been hard on us at home but I know he's feeling like he's being pulled both ways. The kids and I want him at home but he needs to be at the office so much. It's all temporary and we'll survive. We just take a day at a time.
Posted by Shena at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Teacher Change and lights out!
Last friday I got a call from Cade's school letting us know that Cade's teacher was offered a position at the central offices and had accepted it. She would be helping with the transition and would be leaving by Wednesday of this week (today). The new teacher, Mrs. Foster, was a 5th grade teacher and would be moving to teach Cade's class. I wasn't really thrilled about this at first. I tried talking to parents with older kids in the same school to see what I could find out about her but came up with nothing. Last night they had an open house at the school which gave us the chance to meet her. I have to admit I never go to these things but thought we really should under the circumstances. We met with Kelson's teacher first. She was great. I pretty much knew what she would say, "Kelson is such a happy boy. He gets lots of happy sticks. He loves to help others, is kind to everyone and is a great participant." All good things. We are proud of the way he is adjusting.
My first impression of Mrs. Foster is good. In a way, I think she will better than Mrs. Saad. Mrs. Saad was very quiet and seemed almost distant in the couple of times that I met with and tried to speak with her. Mrs. Foster has a louder personality and I think that is better for Cade. Cade is so quiet and shy anyway that he does better with teachers that will be energetic and outgoing to make learning exciting. She has some good teaching tools to teach the students respect and be a good citizen of society. A great thing in today's world.
This might be an answer to my prayers- not saying that Mrs. Saad was going to be a bad thing. I just really feel like this is going to be a better situation. Cheeto said she talked too much. The open house was suppose to start at 7pm but she wanted to wait to start until some more parents filtered in. She started at 7:25pm and ended about 7:50pm. I didn't think that was too bad. I think he was just tired and hungry. You know what an empty stomach can do to people.
Cade said today went well. They have been taking pretesting the past couple of days. I think Cade likes her already because she didn't believe in having homework on these testing days- said it was a lot for them to take in. I agreed and Cade was all for a night free of homework. We'll see how the next few weeks go and I'll post an update.
Tonight started out fine until it was time to turn lights out. I yelled for them to get them turn out or else. Cade yelled back, "MOM! Our light won't turn off!" I thought to myself, "that's impossible. You're making this up- just another excuse!" Nope, he was right. The toggle on the switch had completely broken off and their light would not turn off unless you stood there and held it in. I sent the boys to sleep in my bed- for the time being. Cheeto was of course studying. I called to ask him what he suggested doing. He said have the boys sleep in our bed- for the time being! We are sticklers about not allowing kids to sleep in our bed! He said he would be awhile but he would take the bulbs out or figure something out for tonight. I could start to smell something burning so I called Lettie and Kris to see if they would come help. Lucky me- they were already on their way out to get dog food for Bofo. They got the light bulbs out and the switch disconnected. Of course this got the kids all wound up and not sleepy anymore. :) We had to turn the breakers off to do so. Cade came outside and yelled at me for causing a blackout! He hates when the power goes out- the world comes to an end! Well, I told them that was fine for tonight and Cheeto would fix it tomorrow. But Kris being Kris just wanted to have it fixed. So they are at Lowes as I'm typing getting a new switch and coming back to install it. What in-laws I have! Now that is love!
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Yesterday I was at the grocery store. I was talking to a guy in the seafood department. I looked over and saw that Analise was holding her nose. As we walked away she said, "Mommy- you no buy fish. It stinky! We go smell the cookies!" Yep- she has some of her father in her too!
Posted by Shena at 7:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 07, 2008
I think I'm looking forward to not having soccer games every Saturday. However, even without soccer we do a good job at finding things to fill the day. The tropical storm Hanna had presented herself yesterday morning. It was raining pretty good. Tia Lettie helped me take the kids to Home Depot for kids. Cade was excited because they made football field goals. It wasn't too difficult helping the boys but Analise required her own adult to help her. We got along great and made some fun field goals. We came home to put on some finishing touches- ie paint. I think they liked this more than building them. Analise painted hers purple. Cade's had to be yellow- more realistic. Kelson's is Carolina Panther blue- of course. Cheeto saw them last night and assumed we had painted them Steelers Yellow, Carolina blue and Viking Purple. That man has NFL on the mind for most things! :) I love him though!
Cheeto has been killing himself everyday studying. He has a test tomorrow morning so he has been stressed to say the least. We might have seen him a total of 5 hours all week. Not much in 7 days. I miss his companionship at night. I know he's doing it for us so I try so hard not to complain and just keeping moving forward. The kids are starting to get grumpy. This often happens when they see a little too much of mom! We'll make though. We don't have any other choice do we!?!?!
Posted by Shena at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
can I really do this!?!?!?
Today has been one of those days where I have asked myself many times, "Can I really be a mother of 4 and still hold it together?" WOW! I have mentioned all the craziness that has been going on around here with Cheeto moving, Cheeto studying, school starting- which means homework, getting Christmas done before baby, and starting to feel really pregnant! I'm beginning to really ponder why did we ever do a fourth. I know this is just a bad day and I'll get over it especially after I have the baby in our arms and feel the love that goes with a new little one. It was seriously one thing after another today. The kids were a bunch of whiners all afternoon which just ended the day on such a good note. (feel the sarcasm!)
I officially broke out maternity clothes yesterday. I wore my first maternity shirt and pants. Analise calls them my baby clothes. She thinks the pants are funny! Of course, I hate them and think they look funny too. But hey- I only have to wear them a few months which is nice. This is part of my downer day- feeling very pregnant. The backaches are constant and makes me lose motivation.Cade stressed me out last night by telling me that he had a project that was due yesterday. We had to start an "All about me" poster at 7:00 last night. Cheeto went to get poster board at 10pm for it. I had to wake Cade up before 6am to get the rest of it finished before school today. I totally forgot I had to get Kelson ready for school as well. It was almost 6:45am when he got up and dressed. The bus comes at 7am on the dot. Cheeto and I rushed to get them fed, lunches made and shoes tied. It was a crazy morning. I felt like I had had my work out all ready. He finished it and it looked great considering the time frame we did it in.
He also had his first night of scouts tonight. He was so excited about wearing his new shirt and feeling like one of the big kids. He asked me to take his picture but he wanted to act like he was "discovering" a new tree on a hike. Funny kid!
Cheeto went to the Scouting Office and bought him all his new gear. Kelson is so jealous that Cade gets to start scouts. Cade was pretty excited. He told me to get the camera. Cheeto was mocking me. As you can tell in these pictures!
Analise has been fussing about her new "big girl" bed. She still wants to sleep in the crib. This afternoon I heard her crying asking me to "let her out". I knew exactly where she was so I went in with the camera. You can see what she had been up to. T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!!
PS - I warned you all that I'm a more efficient blogger when kids are in school!
Posted by Shena at 8:15 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Analise loves to work out with me. She is my inspiration to start doing more. She was so excited to get all sweaty this morning. She asked me to take her picture. Can you say "mother's child"?!?!?!? I have to say she's pretty coordinated for a 2 year old. She must have some of her mother's dancer in her. I love having a little girl!
Funny Kid Quote of the Day
Last night while I was bathing Analise when she remembered that Daddy had popped her balloon the day before. She got upset all over again. Then she says, "I'm going to get Daddy's butt- SO BAD! He needs naughty mat time." I was laughing so hard.
Posted by Shena at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Labor Day- is it really a vacation day?
NOPE! Yesterday was not a day off- that's for sure. Cheeto got up and mowed first thing before it got too hot. I cleaned the house. I thought that it would be the usual quick clean. As I went to mop the kitchen some annoying bugs presented themselves under my stove. I went and got Cheeto to show him. He suggested we pull out the stove and clean under it. In my mind, I'm thinking, "NO WAY! I don't think I want to know what's under there!" Thankfully it wasn't that bad... yet. It was a good thing to get it cleaned though. We found almost an entire puzzle under there.
We got cleaned up to only head back to Cheeto's office for the remainder of the day. Mom agreed to help with the kids. The boys ended up going golfing with Papa. Analise started off golfing but got tired so G'ma had to go get her. She's a bit young to walk 9 holes. (Par 3- of course!) Mom made us all dinner. YIPPEE! I was so thankful for that! Cheeto's office is really coming together. I think it looks great. His private office shows so much of his personality. I would have to say it's probably his dream office. Leather couch, yuppy desk, family pictures, steelers, panthers... what else describes my husband. I'm so proud of what he has done. We were discussing how much testing he has left. We are so close. If we can just survive the next 7 months!
Posted by Shena at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 01, 2008
26 weeks 3 days
Time just isn't going fast enough for this pregnancy! Seems like we got to 20 weeks really fast and now the past 6 weeks have just come to a hault. I hope because kids are in school and working on Christmas projects will help time go by faster! Kelson was able to feel him/her move the other night. He got such a twinkle in his eye. The other 2 kids haven't been around when he/she has been moving.
Posted by Shena at 10:39 AM 0 comments