Monday, June 27, 2005

Kicking My Butt

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
So I was getting pretty proud of myself for writing in my blog so much...keeping up pretty well, when the last week or so hit. I was incredibly busy...and when I had a little bit of down time, I didn't take advantage of it and write. I would always find something else to do. I am going to try to be more disciplined. I know that in a couple of years I will be especially glad that I have been consistent in writing in here.

I won't even bother to try to go back and review everything that happened in the last week. Briefly (and in no particular order...just as they come to mind) - we had a good time camping. The boys behaved themselves, had a good time and got really dirty. Shena and I played in a stake golf tournament and took 2nd place (yippeeee....oh wait, did I mention there were only 3 teams?). I spent a good part of last week studying for my first CLU course exam. It went fine (read: I passed). I also got the text for the next course and it is twice as thick (about 800 pages) as the text for the first course. I set a goal to try to have the exam taken and passed by the end of September (I have until December to take it). Shena and I finally cleaned out the old office. We will slowly put it back together as a bedroom now...but no big rush...we aren't expecting any company any time soon...and we aren't expecting any little ones any time soon, either. We spent father's day with the Plummer's because mom was in Mexico. A good Father's day, if you ask me because all I did was sit and watch the U.S. Open while I was pampered. Played golf this last Saturday morning with Ed. We decided kind of last minute on Friday night to go first thing in the morning, and we couldn't find anybody else to go with us. We teed off at 7:00, were done by about 10:20 - a nice, quick round of golf. Picked up mom at the airport on Friday (24th) to her house at about 11:45 - and found that Kelson had locked the inside garage door that is never locked (maybe that isn't information I should be posting on the internet). Mom didn't have a key (doesn't even know if she has one for that door) - so I had to mangle her credit card to break in. I've never done that before...I don't think. Took me about 10 minutes, but I got it. Started reading "1776" by David McCullough. I had heard that it was good, and mom had it and wasn't reading it. I read about two chapters, then realized that I don't really have time right now to be reading it. I have another book (a financial planning book you wouldn't be interested in...the title is cheesey, but it has some good ideas on how to use life insurance as a savings vehicle) that I need to get read...and I have already received my textbook for the next CLU course that I am going to start on Monday...I'll have to save 1776 for the days that I just can't take any more technical reading. Things have been a little wild around the office this last week. Our co-tenants in the building we are in moved out this week to their new building down town - so the parking was a mess and they were noisy etc. Now we get to put up with construction crews and paint crews for the next month as they get the building ready for the new owners to move in July 15. We are in this building for the next year (until the lease is out) and then we will be moving for sure because the company that is moving in here is also an insurance company and we don't want to appear as if we are affiliated with them. I have an idea of where we may be re-locating, but I won't say much until things are more final. We have a couple of months to decide.

As for today: Not a whole lot happened (maybe that is why I haven't written much because I feel like my life is boring and there is nothing to write about...until I try to look back and I think "man, I did a lot of stuff."). After work we went to mom's for dinner, then hung out for a while because it was storming outside and we didn't feel like getting all wet. When we got home, I read a little bit (the financial book), but fell asleep in the chair. Got up, went to bed. Exciting day, no?

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Shena and the boys cleaned the house today. She and I have been real bad about it the last week or so. We spent most of the day Saturday cleaning out that old office, and by the time we were done we didn't feel like cleaning the rest of the house.

Arellano Update
Summary - mom went to Mexico and came back...Marcos is still in Idaho, hanging out...Lettie is running around with Marcos...Adam is being a big wuss.

Christensen Update
Erin had her baby last week. They named her Ellery (sp?). She is doing pretty well. She had a few breathing problems when she first got here, but is doing fine now and is a VERY cute baby.

Daily Report
Sleep: 2:00 - 7:30 - I took a nap yesterday (and I'm not sure how long it was), so I had a hard time sleeping. I should have taken some Nyquil or something to help me go to sleep...made me drag all day.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: Tracy's chicken sandwiches (from leftover Tracy's chicken we had yesterday) on white, miracle whip, cheese, frito's, Mt. Dew. Had a brownie and milk for dessert.

Dinner: home made corn tortillas, pinto beans, shredded sharp cheddar cheese, coke. Had a couple oreos with milk just before bed.