Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Can I Be Any More Shallow?

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Before I get into the usual I have to get something off my chest. I read other people's blogs (read: My Brother's) - and they start putting all this deep thinking political, philosophical, legal type ramblings...ranting and raving like. Then I come along..."hey, guess what everybody? I ran errands today! Want to hear about them?" Boring, huh? So I'm not real deep. Actually, that isn't true. I guess I just don't always like to put my thoughts and feelings out there like they do (not that there is anything wrong with it). I'm not sure why it is. Maybe I'm concerned I might offend someone (so what?), maybe I'm afraid someone won't agree with me (probably big deal), maybe I'm afraid that somebody will think I'm a moron (probably hundreds of millions...still no big deal). So I keep it bottled up inside and rant and rave in my head. Maybe one of these days I will break out of my shell...but not right now. I guess I have some issus to get over first. I will say, in regards to this blog - it's all about priorities, bro. For every cause that you see a need, there are a thousand more out there who others feel just as passionately about and who feel that they are also being ignored. Everybody thinks that their cause would solve a lot of other problems. As long as "man" is running this place, there will always be inequality and injustice. The End. And in regards to this blog - I agree (of course) with a lot of your thoughts, BUT...try not to get too caught up in "Whitey vs. Mexican." There are other reasons besides just jobs and public education that the white folk complain about immigrants. And by the way, it's not just white folk...there is problem between hispanics and blacks, too. You should have heard about that in So. Cal. Something that would help ease the tension would be an effort by the immigrants (no matter where they are from) to embrace the American culture and give up the majority of their native culture. Sounds kind of rough, but this IS the USA. Originally built around white Europeans, but that has now created it's own culture. We aren't white Europeans anymore. We aren't "laddies" or "blokes" or "hombres." We are Americans and have developed our own culture these last 229 years. We can't try to accept everybody else's culture in our country (not completely ayway). Take a look at this and let me know what you think. that I've got that out of my system (don't expect too much of that in the future) - on to the boring stuff....

Worked...but was a bit unproductive. Had meetings in the morning...meetings in the afternoon. Some meetings are more productive than other meetings. Some meetings make you want to pull your hair out because you feel like they are wasting your time. The end.

Spent lunch running a few errands. We decided to drive dad's Jeep to D.C. tomorrow (that new mini-van would sure be nice right about now), so I swung by Costco for gas (saved $1.40!!!), then stopped by AAA for a map of D.C. so that we don't get lost.

After work, we were "used" by the Plummer's for dinner. They were supposed to have the missionaries over for dinner, but Ed was out of town and wouldn't be back until about 8:00ish, so Dede needed me to come over and be the "priesthood" while the missionaries were there. Since it might look a little funny if I was there by myself (that would get the rumors going, wouldn't it?) Shena and the boys came over too. We just hung out and ate, laughed, blew drink out our nose and tried not to offend or embarass the missionaries. For the record, if anybody wants to "use" me for dinner and you are serving the same thing Plummer's did...feel free. I'm here to be used.

Came home and least Shena did. I kind of stood around and said "Is there something you want me to do? Did you pack my spiderman underwear? Are we there yet?" I actually got the boys ready for bed. It is best if you don't mess with Shena when she is packing. She doesn't like it much. Because wew ill be in D.C. tomorrow night, I will obviously not be don't get your panties in a wad when I miss a day.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Kelson got in big trouble TWICE today. I guess he has decided that he doesn't like the way a poopy diaper feels. So instead of letting somebody know, he goes in his room and takes it off. He made a big mess today, then again tonight. Sounds like it is time for somebody to learn how to use the big boy toilet.

I'm not sure how the rest of you are going to take this...but here goes anyway. Up until tonight, when Cade took a bath he didn't do any of it on his own. He just kind of sits there and lets us shampoo his head, then he stands up so we can soap him. For some reason, it struck me tonight that he is almost five years old and should really be doing that himself. So I put the shampoo on his head and the soap in his hands and made him wash himself (with me acting it out for him). He did ok...but he whined the whole time..."I don't want to do it. I can't. You do it, Dad." Guess what Kelson was doing the whole time? He wanted his own soap and shampoo so that he could wash his hair and his body himself. He already tries to dress himself, and Cade didn't do that until he was at least 3 or 3.5. Amazing what a big brother teaches a little brother...without even knowing it. Makes me wonder how much of my siblings being as messed up as they are is my fault. (Kidding. None of them are messed up...I just had to be rude for some reason). Also surprises me how easy it is to spoil a kid and do everything for him and not even realize it. I'm sure the reason we have kept washing him for so long was because it was quicker and easier than fighting with him to do it on his own.

Arellano Update
Marcos actually posted a second time. I thought for sure he would be a "one and done." I came up with a good name for his website, let me know what you think. (Shena found this book at the library the last time they went. Pretty funny, no?

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:30 - 6:17 - what is magic about 6:17? Well, the alarm is set for 6:07 (no particular reason...just adds a little spice to my life, you know?) - and the snooze button is timed for 10 minutes. That answer your question?

Breakfast: One bowl of frosted flakes

Lunch: Double cheese burger, no onions from McDonald's (99 cent menu) - Mt. Dew from the house...because of the errands I didn't have time to I took a late lunch and didn't want to spoil dinner (I had heard we were having steak...)

Dinner: I'd SAY STEAK! Filet mignon to be exact. My first experience with filet mignon. Very good. No wonder people talk about it being so good and it being so expensive in the restaurants and shhhtuff. Baked potatoes, corn on the cob, Snapple Mango Madness - had banana splits for dessert (requested by Elder Nielson, who goes home was his "final meal" in the mission field). My banana split consisted of a banana chopped up (rather than split), covered in vanilla, topped with tons of chocolate syrup and caramel syrup, topped with whipping cream. I had requested cherries, but Shena said she couldn't find any. No big deal...good anyway. I also am not going to have a snack before bed time you can see it didn't seem to help me sleep last night (went to bed at 10:30, still couldn't get to sleep until 11:30) - but I'll give it a couple of nights and see if there is any difference. Maybe next I will try some sugar free hot chocolate?