Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Anybody Want to Buy My Childhood House?

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Mom told me on Sunday that Lettie and Marcos had driven past our old house in Idaho, and it was for sale. Not sure why that was such a big deal for us, but it was. We were all excited. We have a friend there in Pocatello who is a real estate agent so he said that he was going to take them on a walk through sometime, so that they could see inside. I'm a bit jealous because I would like to see what it looks like inside, too. Haven't been inside since we moved in '88 and I am curious what it looks like and how it feels. I have memories of it growing up...but of course it seemed like a big house then...but I was much smaller too. I'm sure if I were to see it now, it would feel much smaller and just a common size. As I look at the picture of the front of the house I remember learning to ride my bike from the front porch onto the grass (so that when I fell it wouldn't hurt). It seemed like the yard was plenty big for that then, but looks incredibly small to me now. I guess that is just a change in perspective, huh? Marcos said he can't remember what the house looked like on the inside, so I'm sure it will be pretty cool for him to walk through and have the memories come back to him. Anyway...enough tripping down memory lane.

Not much else to report today. Shena had her "Enrichment Night" at the church for the month. I stayed home with the boys. We played cars for a while, picked up their toys in the living room and their bedroom, shot some hoops, then went over to mom's to take her new chair up stairs for her. That's it. Nothing exciting.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
The boys were really good for Shena today. They started whining as soon as I got home from work. Not sure what that was all about...maybe they didn't want me there. They were actually pretty good for me, too. Kelson is still trying to learn how to talk. He is speaking broken English. In other words, he uses one or two words to get his point across. "Daddy. 'Credibles. Like (as he hits his chest)." "Daddy. Juice. Peasss." "Corn. Good. Uh-huh."

Shena is working on getting Cade to learn how to open packages and tupperware, etc. on his own. We've always done it for him, or Kelson has done it for him and she was tipped off today that if he didn't learn how to do it before he went to school, they wouldn't open stuff for him either. He just needs to be a little patient with it. He gets frustrated too easy and gets mad, so he quits trying. He did pretty good today. He got a tupperware open that had cookies in it by himself. I just need to remember to let him do stuff on his own. Sometimes it's easier for me to do it, but he's not learning or growing that way (life lesson for you, right there).

Arellano Update
Mom left for Mexico this morning. I was supposed to take her at 4:30 this morning, but when I woke up my head was killing me, so Shena offered and I let her take mom. A good wife, have I (thanks, Yoda).

Christensen Update
Got a 20 minute message from Bart last night. He accidentally called us on his cell phone in his overalls. I learned a little about fertilizer and round up around the golf course as he talked to Kyle. I didn't realize that Bart liked to rock out to the Bee Gees (sp?) though. It was blaring in the background a little bit (although he wasn't singing...now THAT would have been a treat!). "Aah, aah, aah, aah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive." I could have given him a hard time about that for a LONG time.

Daily Report
Sleep: 10:00 - 7:00- needed the sleep - even when I woke up at 4:30 to take mom, when Shena said "I'll go" I fell right back asleep...felt good.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: tuna on wheat with double cheese and lettuce, baby carrots, ranch dressing, sour cream and cheddar chips, coke. Had a chocolate chip cookie and a shot of milk.

Dinner: Get this...corn (on the cob, but cut off for me), with butter and salt and pepper, pasta salad with chicken, cheese bread. That's it. Nothing real heavy. I haven't been feeling good, so I wasn't real hungry anyway. If it had been a normal night, I might have whined a little that I didn't get any REAL meat. :) I appreciate Shena making dinner, though. I got home late and she left about 20 minutes after I got home, so it was a big rush, anyway. I also made myself a chocolate and banana milkshake about 9:00, just before bed.