Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cade's Fat Lip

***Text in this color authored by Shena***

Work & Play
Not a real fun day at work. Spent the afternoon helping Jim clean out his office. He had stuff in there from over three years ago...with the dust to prove it. We'd been harrassing him for a long time about getting it cleaned up, and he finally did it. That'll teach me to bug him.

After work mowed mom's yard since I wouldn't be able to until Monday (at the earliest) of next week. It would have been REALLY long by then. Figured it would be easier to do it today than wait. I also picked up some stuff from dad's for our comping trip. An eggshell roll for me to sleep on and a chair for me to sit on. Cade is really getting excited for tomorrow. He kept telling me tonight that we were going camping but that mommy couldn't go. I hope he isn't being too mean to her about that.

Llano Update (Cheeto's Brood)
Cade had his first experience with the drill at the dentist today. They found cavities when he had a checkup several weeks ago. Shena left Kelson at Plummer's and then took Cade over. They had given him a pill to help "relax" him. Shena said that as they were headed over, he didn't seem very drowsy at all (which is what the pharmacist said would happen), but she said he did really well anyway. When I saw him at lunch he said his mouth was still numb and it felt weird. Poor kid. He was a trooper, though, and I'm proud of him for that. There have been times in the past where he would have flipped out and not cooperated, but he did this time. Shena promised him again that he could rent "The Incredibles" game for the PlayStation, so I'm sure that helped. I have thought about buying it...but I think this works better. If he only gets it on big occassions, it will help things go smoother. The bad thing about his lip being numb is that he bit it pretty good one time, and so it is really fat on one side. He won't let us put ice on it and he won't eat a popsicle, either. We will just have to wait a couple of days for it to go down.

Arellano Update
Marcos and Lettie walked through our old house today. Marcos posted some pictures of it online...but I'm sure there is nothing interesting for you to see there. It was interesting for us...but very boring for you. I thought you'd want to know, either way! They said it was in ok shape...but it needed new carpet. They also said the neighborhood is liking kind of run down and that they are building a whole bunch of apartments behind the house (which used to be a great big field). Lettie says she still wishes she could buy the house, but she's not going to be able to. Silly girl.

Christensen Update
None to report that I know of.

Daily Report
Sleep: 11:00 - 7:00 - I wound up watching "30 Days" on FX last night. I wasn't going to (thought I wanted to sleep more), but got caught watching the first few minutes of it and then wanted to finish it. Interesting show. It is done by the guy who did "Super Size Me," which I have never seen, but Marcos has and he said it was good. I may have to watch it now.

Breakfast: none

Lunch: Leftover frito chili soup with cheese (forgot the sour cream this time), milk, had a couple Chips Ahoy cookies too.

Dinner: corn tortillas, beans cooked with hamburger meat and Texas Pete (for flavoring), lettuce cheese, sour cream, coke. Not bad...and fairly quick. Had a bowl of vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate sauce just before bed.