Our journey to Nauvoo, I believe, will be an unforgettable/memorable one. Our first night we got to North Platte, Nebraska. The only place open was a Days Inn. It was probably in the top 5 scariest motels I have ever stayed in! I didn't even turn on the lights much because I didn't want to find what was lying under the shadows of the night! When we walked down the hall to our room just about 5 feet past our door they had the hall blocked off with plastic with a warning for asbestos. Seriously! Not a good sign!The next morning all was revealed when the shadows were swallowed by the light of the morning. Ya... I could have down with seeing all the stains and bugs on the floors, beds, and walls. Not so many bugs but still more than 5. UGH!
It was another day of rain. Driving east into and with the storms is NOT FUN! Again, I felt so grateful Cheeto was driving! About half way through Iowa we hit some nasty nasty thunderstorms. There wasn't much shoulder to the roads and we didn't feel like it was safe to pull over. The rain had flooded most of the fields on the roadside and we couldn't see what was road and what wasn't. Cheeto was right not to just pull off to the side like so many did. We came across a REALLY bad motorcycle meets truck and trailer accident. I was glad a movie was holding the kids attention! I saw the motorcyclist and it was nasty. Plenty of good samaritans and just curious people had stopped and were trying to shield his body from the rain with jackets and blankets. We drove about 3 more miles, which seemed like an eternity, and found an exit. There isn't much in the backwoods of Iowa! We found a vacant parking lot to wait it out some. We called Lettie and she sent us a picture of the storm. It was entirely red! NOT GOOD! Cheeto felt like we just needed to keep pushing forward because if we stopped too long we would drive back through it very quickly. So after a quick snack from the cooler, we pushed onward. We didn't even go a mile when we found that the road the GPS was taking us was flooded big time. Cars were backed up and one idiot had tried going through it and got until the water was up past his windows. (some people!) This is when I was incredibly grateful for the GPS. We drove on some crazy back streets but eventually found our way through this small town. What should have taken us about 45 minutes to drive took us 2+ hours. We had a non-fundable reservation waiting for us in Nauvoo, so we had no choice but to keep going. By the time we got to Fort Madison, which is just before you cross the river into Illinois, we were starving and exhausted. The first place we saw to eat was Pizza Hut. We were desperate enough to eat there. It was a good thing to! Cheeto took the boys to the bathroom. While I was waiting for them and to be seated, a family with some couple missionaries walked in behind me. I figured they had to be serving in Nauvoo. So I asked them some information that could help us get a start in the morning. They then informed me that Nauvoo was entirely without power and had been for hours. This was the first place they saw that had power to eat. That explained why it was packed. We got there just in time. I went through all the emotions and stresses over what we were going to do if our "inn" in Nauvoo was without power where we were going to stay. The bakery across the street runs the reservations for the inn. But once they close you are on your own to get checked-in and such. I called but no one answered. It was non-refundable so we had to stay there with/without power. It wasn't like we have never been without power. It's been very rare occasion for the kids but I grew up with the power going out frequently. It wasn't a big deal. Well, after many silent prayers that had been answered throughout the day, I decided one more was in order. One more little blessing... PLEASE! I felt loved that day. Our Heavenly Father held Cheeto's hands for many hours driving through that awful rain, hugged me when Cheeto couldn't, kept our children and ME calm and happy through those many hours of stressful driving, and again when we drove across the river and found the power had returned!
Who knows!
Not sure what he was doing when I took the picture.
C, the back row type of student... just like his father! :)
I helped Sassy and signed my name as well as A2's.
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