Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 20/21 - Starting our journey home

Yep... Daddy is with us again. We picked up in SLC and immediately headed east. As we were driving west toward the airport these massive black clouds crept over the mountains. They were as black as I had ever seen for the west. I told C that we needed to hurry and get dad and get ahead of that storm. Of course, he was a little bit late and the buckets had started to fall before he even got in the car. We had a VERY short reunion and started driving. It was a pretty scary drive through the canyon. The water from the other side of the highway were flowing over the barriers into our lanes and causing visibility to be zero some of the time. Then idiot truck drivers would speed past us and of course, Utah drivers aren't known to be great even on good weather days. Let's just say I was a nervous wreck. We live in bad rain country where we drive in it somewhat on a regular basis and this even gave Cheeto's nerves a scary at times. It rained until almost the Wyoming border, which seemed like forever! After talking to my mom, she said that SLC had broken records for rainfall. They received 1.5" in less that 30 minutes. CRAZY! I prayed for safety of course, but also prayed and thanked my Heavenly Father that Cheeto was with us. He is an incredible driver. I had gotten really sick the day before we left and still didn't feel great so I felt very blessed to have him with us. I know how he drives and don't have to stress much because most times I know what he's going to do before he does it. Ya know how it is after being married to someone for almost 12 years.

I loved watching the windmills. I would love to have one that I could watch from my house. It's a calm wonder to watch. These are all over the west and mid-west to generate power. When we drove out the kids were amazed that the wind alone was what made them move.

When we stopped at a rest stop for lunch we saw these semi's leaving loaded with combines. I have never seen one being transported. What a massive thing to haul on a trailer!

The kids couldn't get enough of their daddy. He had been up at 3am EST to get to his flight in Raleigh. Then with having to drive through stressful rain he was pretty tired. He knew I didn't feel well so he drove the entire way home.

Silliness along the way!

Funny Kid Quote of the Day