Thursday, May 07, 2009

Why I have been MIA...

Last night we fed L & K. I was late with their birthdays so I was trying to redeem myself. L informed that I was way behind on our blog. I suppose I have to say why. I started reading the Twilight series, AGAIN! I figured I wouldn't be so addicted this time around, ya know... read them leisurely. NOPE- I started the first one around K's birthday and only have 100 pages left to the last one. I get so caught up in them. I'm so grateful my husband understands my infatuation with Edward. He even apologizes when he has to interrupt my reading to fulfil some of wifely duties. Quite the man I have! I wish the A1 and A2 could be so understanding. LOL!


Carolina Chocolate said...

Pace yourself! The next movie doesn't come out till, what, November? You have plenty of time. ;)

Lyndzi said...

Ah...there's nothing like a good Twilight read.

La Familia Rigby said...

Shena....can I make a suggestion....use full names....those of us here can get confused knowing who all of the K, A, L, O and P's are. Thanks, it would be appreciated! Love ya sister!