Monday, May 25, 2009

Eden Drive In

We were only home long enough to put away camping gear and shower before heading to Eden. Lettie and Kris didn't go camping with us but wanted to do something together this weekend. The drive in was showing Night at the Museum 2 so we headed north. I was exhausted but couldn't pass up an evening of fun like that. We invited the Johnson's to go with us. They are lots of fun to have around. They gel pretty well with all of us Arellano people, that's not always an easy thing to do. We got up there more than an hour before it started and still had to wait in line to get in. Craziness! We got there just about the right time though. There were only a few good parking places left. The Johnson's had to move the chairs around a bit to see well, but other than that we still could see just fine. We ate too much, of course, but had some great laughs and enjoyed the movie. A2 tried desperately to get her hands on some pizza (see slideshow). Dad was having a hard time saying NO!


Its All Good Ya'll said...

We were just saying the other day how much fun we had last year at the Eden drive-in, I wish we lived a little closer. Was the sequel any good? Usually if a movie has a sequel it is either great or terrible....