Wednesday, May 27, 2009

All with a little help!

Oh the possibilities! It's amazing what I can get done with a little help and cooperation. After Sunday dinner, A1 was more than willing to do the dishes, with little supervision from Papa. She really is a great helper. I'm thrilled that she loves to do the dirty work as well as the fun stuff.
Monday we woke up and got to the strawberry patch early. She helped me pick 2 big baskets of berries. We got home, showered and started jam and daddy's favorite, Strawberry Brownie Torte. I didn't have the brownie mix the recipe asked for so I used another brand. It didn't work out as well so I couldn't stack them.
We had to just make the topping and do each one separate. It tastes the same just a different presentation. Ah well, Cheeto still got his treat, and bonus: 2 kids got to decorate their own brownie with strawberries.
One little girl wasn't on board for the day of strawberries. She was entertained for a moment sitting with me.
Then I tried putting her in the carrier. She was a little TOO much help. She kept grabbing everything within hands reach (ie the mixer) So......
As soon as big brother was available, he took her. She was much happier chillen with him. After about 5 minutes he had her asleep. I love having one old enough to help with babysitting.


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

I can't wait for grown up little helpers! A2 is such a cutie pie!! We need to get our kids together (and us) soon!! Your campout looks like a lot of fun too!! We haven't tried camping with kids yet, but we love to camp.

Leticia said...

It kills me how much Cade has grown this year! But it is nice to always have his help :)