Thursday, August 05, 2010

Day 3 - Independence, MO to Laramie, WY

Independence LDS Visitors Center
We decided we could take an hour to stop and see some church sites in Independence, MO. We got to the visitors center about 10 minutes before they opened. So mom told them a story about when Papa C was on his mission he was able to attend the dedication for the visitors center in this same parking lot. Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith was speaking and out of no where it started pouring, like buckets of rain, but only on the outside of the parking lot perimeter. Pres. Smith said it was obvious that someone was not contending with the dedication. Dad said as soon as President Smith finished the dedication and said amen the rain broke through that perimeter and it was pouring on them. What an amazing experience for my father, and it was awesome to have my mom not only tell that to our kids but to be sitting right where it happened! The spirit was very strong that morning. There is no denying that the gospel of Jesus Christ is TRUE!!!
A2 listening to G'ma

I never claim to be a photographer, even though I really do try.
But I thought this picture turned out neat!

The Re-org Community of Christ Temple (strange place)
C and K both said that it didn't give you that special feeling as when you look at one of our temples. K said it looked like it was showing off. :)

Is that a serious "pioneer" face or what?

The visitors center had a pioneer themed room that was all hands-on kid friendly. It was a great place for them to run off some energy before we started the long day in the car.

The sister missionary asked A1 if she knew who this statue was. She said, "OF COURSE! It's Joseph Smith!" Ah, our kids do listen to my FHE lessons and at church!
Liberty Jail- another amazing experience for our kids! I'm so glad we made the time to stop and show them these sites! The boys will for sure remember the spirit they felt that morning when they retell the stories of Joseph Smith.
As soon as we got in the car from Liberty Jail, A2 zonked out! We left about 10am and she slept until 2pm. I wanted her to sleep as much as possible so we didn't stop for lunch until then. The first day the dvd player that I brought didn't work. Mom and I thought, "We can do this without a dvd player!" But by the end of the first day, we were over it and went to Costco and bought one. We would have never been able to hold the kids off so smoothly until 2pm without it.

This was our first stop of the day in Nebraska. We always did a rest stop for lunch and had a pb sandwiches. It was the best place to allow the kids to really run around for a bit.
I told the kids they had to run around this table 10 times before they could get back in the car. There is some really soft grass in the northwest! I miss it. The kids took their shoes off and squished their toes in it. K was surprised that it was even cool in temperature.

NEXT STOP.... Laramie, Wyoming