Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 13 - Part 2 - COOKOUT with the Rigby's

There is a story behind this picture. We met Jeff for lunch on BYU-I campus. She saw Jeff and said Alyssa she liked her man dirty. C said, "UM.... I DO NOT LIKE DIRTY WOMEN!!! I will not marry a dirty woman!"

Sassy still has a tricycle at home. She loved riding a "pink" big girl bike. I couldn't get her off of it. We drew a road on the drive way with sidewalk chalk. This was very entertaining for them.

Boys didn't want much to do with all the girls. Thankfully I brought the baseball mitts. Uncle Jeff even threw catches with them. Something different for him. I missed the picture of the ball literally skimming the top of K's head.

Don't you just love Jeff's "gun" lighter? (pinky up- very dainty JEFF!)
