Friday, February 13, 2009

Don't take life for granted!

A friend of ours emailed me a week or so ago and ask me if I was back working again. She has a good friend that was told her little boy was terminal. He has weeks maybe months. She wanted to do something special and memorable for her, so she thought the impressions I do would be perfect. The boy is a month older than Cade. It was so hard to do this impression. He was such a sweet little boy. It took all I had to not just tear up for this family. When we discussed the options to hold his hand the mom was very decisive - she wanted it cupped so she could "hold" his hand after he passed. That was hard to hear as well. His hand turned out perfect! Not one flaw to fix!
I think it touched more to home for me because I have a boy the same age. How difficult it must be to know you're running out of time with your child! Knowing that today MAY be your last, knowing he might not making it through the night, and to watch him suffer like that. No parent should have to go through this! After they left, I had to shed a few tears and hug my little girls a little tighter and say a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for healthy kids. Analise wasn't quite sure what was up but she accepted my hugs anyway, wiped away my tears, gave me the biggest hug and kiss and said, "I love you the most Mommy!" This kind of set the tone for the rest of my day. I had more patience and simply enjoyed the moments. Also, thought a lot about what a gift our Heavenly Father has given us. The Plan of Salvation has to be the greatest of all. I'm so blessed to have a temple marriage and to have my family sealed to me. Heavenly Father gave us these precious children and also made a way for us to be together FOREVER!

Cade came home and ran right to the bathroom! Kelson told me that Cade threw up on the bus and was still throwing up. Poor kid! Cade was so embarressed. I was grateful that it was Kelson that sat next to him on the bus and helped him off with his things. What are brothers for!?! Cade spent the rest of the afternoon just chillen. Kelson was waiting on him hand and foot. He even gave him his favorite blanket to sleep with and said, "It's ok if you puke on it, mom will wash it and make it smell good again!" Man- I LOVE MY KIDS!!!!!


La Familia Rigby said...

Those are the moments that we should cherish each and every day. So sad about the boy. But isn't such a blessing to know what we know about the plan of salvation. Even though it doesn't make it better in the moment but it makes it easier down the road. Thank you for sharing. Love ya tons.

Lacey said...

How heartbreaking. I just read a blog about a mother that lost her baby. It takes a lot of strength. I think sometimes these things remind us to be better moms and not so short with our kids. I don't know how you made it through the appointment, I was boobing just reading your post.

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

What a story. It's a good reminder to cherish our families and children - even though we are blessed with the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation - it's still hard to imagine this earthly life without them. So precious.