Tuesday, February 03, 2009

All in a days work!

We woke up to snow this morning so of course y'all know what that means in North Carolina. NO SCHOOL! My plan was to work on some business stuff but I knew that was going to happen with all the kids around me. Kelson was suppose to have a field trip today. He was bummed all morning about school always being canceled on the days his class was suppose to do something fun. By the time 9am came around I had the brilliant idea of finally going through all the kids clothes in the attic. Cheeto helped me get the 10 garbage bags and 11 bins down from the attic. I wasn't going to buy new bins for all the girls clothes when I knew I was going to be getting of all the boys clothes, so I just kept filling garbage bags and throwing them up there. Out of site- out of mind... right? Nope! This is a task I have been dreading and looking forward to at the same time. This is what my bedroom and living room looked like after 2 hours of organzing.
I had my doubts I could get it all done in one day. I decided about 10am that I would call a few friends that I knew were interested and have them come by this afternoon/evening to go through it. I knew by doing this that I would have to force myself to get it all done. By noon Cade asked, "Mom, do you think we'll be able to sit on the couch sometime today?" An hour later Kelson says, "Mom, I don't think you will ever get all of this junk put away!" It was about 2:30pm when I finally finished. Kelson and Analise found some new fun stuff. The kids believe there is an actual store in our attic. Whenever they grow out of something... I simply go upstairs. Analise was excited to finally see what the "store" has. Everytime I turned around she was in something new. At one point she had on a 12 month Strawberry Shortcake pj top and some 24 month capris. They matched but the shirt came above her belly button and she barely got the pants buttoned. She looked hilarious! She had changed again before I got back with my camera. It was a lot of work which made a long day but I'm SO GLAD it's finally done! I think Cheeto is too!

The kids help me make piles for friends to sort through. We have been so blessed with friends giving us clothes for Analise that I knew that I should really find some friends to "pay it forward". I feel so good as our little boy clothes can be loved another few years. It will be funny to hear the boys say in church, "Hey, that looks like mine."

I wore the kids out. No surprise to find Analise in bed with Kelson! She says he make her feel better when she gets scared. Oh- our sweet Kelson! Cade would have kicked her out of his bed!

I just had to add this one. I was working on the computer Monday right after lunch. Analise asked if she could have some "Muddy Buddies" It wasn't 5 minutes later I noticed she hadn't moved in awhile. She had fallen asleep with her hand in the bag.

It is now snowing again. Cade was to have a field trip tomorrow.
I'm betting that they will be home again tomorrow.


becca said...

we're glad you decided to pay it forward and haul out all of your stuff:)

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Wow! All I can say is that is a lot of clothes! I wish my attic had a store like that!! Glad you got it all organized and sharing with friends is the best! It was fun to see you tonight - we should hang out!!