Thursday, April 02, 2009

Were we really?

Sunday was our average typical Sunday. We scrambled to make it out the door to church on time. It seems like I'm always in a rush and then go to church with the "Why do I even try" attitude. In fact, I think this even on our way home. All we do is fight fidgety kids and walk the halls. Last Sunday was no different, in our eyes anyway. We sat in our "area" of the chapel trying to calm crazy kids before sacrament meeting began. Then a member of our ward that has no little kids sat behind us. My blood pressure went through the roof! I was so uncomfortable with them sitting behind us. Cheeto, of course, could care less and told me to relax. This member of our ward is a well known author. After sacrament meeting and the closing prayer , he touched my arm and asked if it would be alright to write about our kids in his Mormon Times column. I said that would be fine. He got the kid's name and ages and simply said he was pleased that he was able to listen the meeting even though there were 4 little kids sitting directly in front of him. I WAS SHOCKED! I did not think our kids were that well behaved. Cheeto and I fight with kids each and every Sunday to sit still and be quiet just like everyone else. The thought goes through my mind each week how nice church will be when I don't have to pack "entertainment" or disipline children in the halls. Oh, will the day ever come?
Well, now that you know our side of the story, here is the column that Brother Card wrote. Please, DO NOT think that this is us bragging. Brother Card wrote a nice article and gave us some extremely nice compliments. Our kids are not always like this. Perhaps the spirit calmed our kids more last Sunday because He knew my blood pressure was rising by the second and was going to make me have a heart attack. :)
On another note, like I said earlier, I get that "Why do I even try" attitude. I think all mothers have that attitude from time to time. At this particular time in my life, this article that Brother Card wrote was what I needed. With Cade's schooling and me being at home alone with the kids so much I often get this attitude. I suppose I feel like that we must be doing at least one thing good for our kids. I can continue on for another day.


Cathy said...

Isn't it amazing how Heavenly Father gives us those hugs through other people right when we need them! And it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way about church and my kids sometimes! And, it seems like I rarely notice anyone else's kids and just assume that they are behaving perfectly. The only time I notice your kids during sacrament meeting is when I'm admiring how darn cute they are.

Its All Good Ya'll said...

Oh, Shena, what a huge compliment. Sometimes as a mother we are so attentive to our children's misbehavior that it is difficult to sit back and really see that our "patience" and love are paying off and they really are learning something. I know Bro. Card too and he does not give complimants that are not deserved. So bravo, Shena! Every mother deserves a little applause once in a while! We can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

Amanda said...

Way to go Shena!

Becky and Jimmy said...

A lovely article highlighting a truly beautiful family! You guys are wonderful! Best - Becky

Julie said...

Hi Shena I found your blog from Erin's. Your kids are getting sooo big and your baby girl is really cute. Jessica is due on Easter with a little boy.
Oh this is your Aunt Julie!!!!

AdAmy said...

Shena, I am so glad you found me!! How did you do it? This will be so much fun, keeping in touch this way. I see you had another girl... congrats! You have the perfect little family (2 of each). I see that you have other Grace girls on your blog as well, (Jody, Andrea, & Lacey) this is fun.