Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grasshopper Stadium Egg Drop

The first Saturday in April, our local baseball team hosted an Egg drop. They had a helicopter drop 20,000 eggs over the field. All the county elementary students got a free ticket. Cheeto had to pay $3 for A1. Not bad for a day of fun. The kids had a great time being down on the field- well, from what I heard anyway. I was working at a show at the Women's Hospital so I didn't get to go. I was proud of Cheeto. He took all 3 kids by himself to one of the most crowded places in the 'Boro. When it was time to run out and gather eggs he decided that it wasn't organized or safe to have our little kids on the field. He convinced them they would be safer and happier to just watch from a distance. None of the little kids got a single egg that were down there anyway. It was poorly planned. Rumor has it that they won't do it again. If they do, they will have to do something completely different. They estimated about 7-8,000 people were there. WAY too many people for our taste.